March 22, 2015

John 4 – The Woman at the Well

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John 4 - The Woman at the Well
Pat Gatlin

“The Woman at the Well”
John 4:1-26

The main story of John chapter 4 provides quite an interesting contrast:
Two drastically different scenarios making quite the contrast; “Nic at night” and “The woman at the well”

The Lord loves them both – equally
The staunch and the lost….. He loves them both from the heart!

John 4:1-26

He left the southern region of Judea to go up north to the Galilee region.
He knew the Pharisees would try to pit John’s group against Jesus’ group.

The Jews customarily went around Samaria, why? Because they hated the Samaritans!
The Samaritans were considered by the Jews to be half-breeds- they were half Jew and half Assyrian.
He saw the need and had a divine appointment in Samaria

Jesus was weary! He was tempted, tested, tried! He understands EVERYTHING that you and I could ever go thru!

Heb 4:15

Jesus is tired and is sitting on the edge of the well. He said, “Give me a drink”
He says, “Give to me…” Give me your heart, Give me your morning time, Give me your talent - your treasure, Give me your life, Give me praise, Give me Honor.

Luke 12:34 Jesus wanted her heart.
My heart will follow to whomever or whatever I am giving.

Jer 2:13 He’s saying, the people were seeking other things rather than the Living Water.
Prov 14:12 So many of us have been busy carving out our own cisterns. Carving out our own way, making our own plans!

Looking at the surface – the outside – the circumstance. That’s the problem with material things and carnal pursuits. They don’t satisfy.

Spending time with Jesus Christ – satisfies our souls. If we keep drinking of the Living Water, we will always be satisfied!

He’s bringing her under conviction, taking her deeper…
He chose to go to Samaria and draw her unto Himself, just as He is choosing you and I – here right now and what does she do? Now she quickly changes the subject! People don’t want to talk about their own sin!

He speaks the truth to her…Some people worship God only in Truth - Others worship in only Spirit God is seeking BOTH.

Exodus 3:14

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