February 1, 2015

Who, What and Why?

Service Type:

“Who, What and Why?”
Pat Gatlin

“Who, What and Why?”

John 1:19-28

John 1:19-28

The priests and Levites asked John, “Who are you?” That’s a good question, “Who are you?”

John the Baptist – the man in our text - just hit his thirties, that mid-life mark.
He was an example for you and I whether we are 17 or 70 years old. He knew what he was about, why he was here, and what he was doing.

John was more than a priest.
The Sanhedrin – the “Supreme Court” of Judaism, they were the religious leaders and the legal overseers over the Jews.

Verse 21 “They asked him, "Then who are you?”

Verse 22 What do you say about yourself?

Verse 25 "Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?"

This is what people – not just in mid-life but teenagers, senior citizens as well are struggling with. Every one of us goes thru seasons when we wonder, ‘who really am I? What about me? And why am I doing these things?”

He didn’t capitalize on that position – on that ministry - He just said, “I am not the Christ”
When you say that you are not the Christ – you realize and accept that what Jesus said is true in:

John 15:5 You cannot do anything significantly – eternally – or with impact.

You might confess here today that; “I know I am not the Christ” but you lived like you were the Christ.

21 They asked him, "Then who are you? Are you Elijah?" He said, "I am not." "Are you the Prophet?"
What prophet? The prophet that was spoken of in Deuteronomy 18

They ask, “What do you say about yourself?" What about you then?

I am simply this – a voice. A voice is heard and not seen.
First and foremost – I am a voice.

This is where we will find fulfillment.

John 10:40-42 Did you realize that John did not perform one miracle?

The greatest man who ever lived was simply one - doing no miracles, signs and wonders but…

Why do you do what you do?

Matt 18:20
John 3:28-30

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