January 25, 2015

Jesus – The Logos and Light of My Life

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Jesus – The Logos and Light of My Life
Pat Gatlin

Ps 8:3-4

He’s writing with one goal in mind - We see it in chapter 20 verse 31

John 20:31 Jesus is the Messiah and for those that believe, they shall have life!

John 1:1-3 Jesus has been around since the beginning

The word “understood” here can be translated, “comprehend” or “to eagerly posses, apprehend or overtake”

katalambano (kat-al-am-ban'-o); from NT:2596 and NT:2983; to take eagerly, i.e. seize, possess, etc. (literally or figuratively): KJV - apprehend, attain, come upon, comprehend, find, obtain, perceive, (over-) take.

Now the Apostle John introduces to us – the PROPHET John – “John the Baptist”
John the Baptist was indeed a prophet but that wasn’t all. He also served as a priest.

Now – a prophet’s role is to speak to the people on behalf of God. But a priest’s role is to speak to God on behalf of the people!

Matt 11:11 John spoke the truth of God; He was not afraid to tell people about the Lord; He wasn’t shy.
John came to bear witness of the Light. What is a witness?

1 Peter 3:15 What is the reason for the hope you have?
No one will have an excuse on judgment day

Ps 19:1 Every man knows, innately, that there is a God

All of creation acknowledged Him - Humanity - His own people

Humanity will worship readily – radically - willingly – ACCEPT when it comes to Jesus Christ

James 1:5-8 We need to ask the Lord to reveal to us the things we are worshipping

Salvation It’s not passed on thru descent

Rom 3:10-12

You can’t will salvation to happen

John 6:44

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