September 17, 2006

What New Believers Need to Know – Part 4

September 17, 2006

What New Believers Need to Know - Part 4
The Father Gives You Jesus, Jesus Gives You Everything, What is Your Response?

Steve Lane

A. Introduction/review

His plan for the great commission is you
Eternal life, the New Life in you
The Joy of the Word

Psalm 119: 147 - 148 "I rise before the dawn and cry for help; I have put my..."
1 Peter 2: 2 "Crave pure spiritual milk"

How to read the word

B. Your response to Him

John 3: 16 ...He gave His Son
John 1: 14
John 14: 23
Romans 8: 32 - 35, 38
John 14: 16 - 17 The Holy Spirit

There is no paying Him back, but there is a response
Weakness becomes essential to your walk
What is the proof of you faith?
Would you receive Jesus in all of His fullness?
Absolute surrender to Jesus
Surrender is faith
They did not do it perfectly, but it was obviously the path they were on

Acts 16: 13 - 15 fully available to the Lord and His work?
Romans 15: 13

C. Christ's description of surrender to Him

Matthew 8: 18 - 22
One who is not dependent on or attached to earthly comfort
One who is not attached to or committed to earthly obligations that would prevent...

Matthew 10: 22. 24 - 25
One who is persecuted for Christ's sake

Matthew 16: 24 - 27
One who leaves his old life behind
One who is experiencing death/surrender and is joyfully living a sacrificial life for Christ

Mark 1: 16 - 20
One who heeds Christ's call immediately
One who's new occupation is a "fisher of men"

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