September 24, 2006

What New Believers Need to Know – Part 5

September 24, 2006

What New Believers Need to Know - Part 5
The Father Gives You Jesus, Jesus Gives You Everything, What is Your Response? (cont'd)

Steve Lane

A. Introduction/review

Refusing to trust Him, to surrender fully to Him. Defending your rights.

B. Your response to Him

John 3: 16
2 Corinthians 5: 15
John 14: 23
John 14: 16 - 17
Romans 8: 32 - 35, 38

There is no paying back, but there is a response

Romans 11: 35 and Romans 12: 1 What is the proof of your faith?
Lydia passed -- fully available Paul and Silas Acts 16

The Israelites in the desert failed the test -- wander in the desert or enter the Promised Land?

John 15: 5
Galatians 5: 22 - 24 It says let us keep in step with the Spirit
Hebrews 4: 8 - 11, 3: 19 How do we enter His rest?

Warning! Warning!

C. Christ's description of surrender to Him

Matthew 8: 18 - 22 One who is not dependent on or attached to earthly comfort
Not attached to or committed to earthly obligations that would prevent him from following.
Matthew 10: 22, 24 - 25 One who is persecuted for Christ's sake
Matthew 16: 24 - 27 One who leaves his old life behind
One who is experiencing Galatians 2: 20, and is joyfully living a sacrificial life for Christ
Mark 1: 16 - 20 One who heeds Christ's call immediately
One who's new occupation is a "fisher of men"
Mark 8: 33 - 38 One who has in mind and lives for the purposes of God
One who is spiritually (eternally) focused
Luke 14: 25 - 35 One who has counted the cost and decided to give it all up and follow Christ
One who has experienced death/denial/surrender and is actively living a sacrificial life for Jesus
Luke 17: 32 - 33
Matthew 10: 37 - 38 One who is not concerned with their safety and comfort if it, in any way, distorts or distracts from...
One who has devotion to and love for Christ greater than his own family and self
One who has given up all of his possessions to the Lord
John 6: 60 - 64 Does this offend you?
John 8: 31 - 32 Allow this to be a truth that sets you free
John 13: 34 - 35 One who loves his fellow disciples as much as Christ loves them
John 15: 5, 8 One who abides in Christ's Word
One who bears much spiritual fruit
One who dies to self daily
D. Conclusion

"Lord, I hold nothing back from you -- all I have and all I am is yours. This day and everyday I am fully available to You. Take fully possession of me and let no one doubt I am yours. Keep me connected to You today, O Lord. And, let the fruit of the Spirit be seen in me. Amen."

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