March 4, 2007

Opposition to Building the Wall – pt. 3

Service Type:

March 4, 2007

Opposition to Building the Wall - pt. 3

Steve Lane

A. Review / Introduction

Themes: Leadership, Sovereignty of God, Word, prayer, vision, risk ,opposition

Zerubbabel 538 BC, Ezra in 458 BC and Nehemiah in 445 BC

Does the condition of the wall concern you?

Nehemiah wept, fasted and prayed... for God's purposes

1 Corinthians 3: 9 - 15
Building up the body of Christ

You have in mind the things of man, not God
"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me"

B. Opposition to the building of the wall

Nehemiah 5: 1 - 5
Attack: Inside job, Self first
Don't under estimate the damage self focused people in the body can do

Nehemiah 5: 6 - 8
Response: Anger, confronting, personal example, looked to God for assurance
When a self-centered attitude extends to the point of harm and opposition to the body
2 Corinthians 11: 2 - 3 We underestimate Christ's love for the body
John 2:13 A very similar situation
Not because of personal affront or hurt feelings

Nehemiah 5: 9 - 12 They responded
Nehemiah 5: 16 Set aside personal needs and desires for the sake of the call
Nehemiah 5: 19 Didn't look to man for reassurance but to God
Nehemiah 6: 1 - 2
Attack: Scheming, distraction
Wouldn't it be the loving thing to do to go and meet with these guys?

Nehemiah 6: 3 - 4
Response: Didn't give in, kept working

Nehemiah 6:5 - 7
Attack: rumors, lies, intimidation

Response: Defended the truth and prayed
Nehemiah 6: 8 - 9

Nehemiah 6: 10
Attack: Inside job, false concern for his safety, temptation to sin
How did he know?? A test of opposition: obedient in their walk?

Nehemiah 6: 11 - 14
Response: Refused to give in to fear or temptation, spoke the truth and prayed

C. The Wall is complete

Nehemiah 6: 15 - 19
Nehemiah was willing to take on a job that could only be done in the strength of God
But the battle is not over ...

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