June 3, 2007

Hebrews – Part 3 : Adjustments on the Journey to Canaan

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June 3, 2007

Hebrews - Part 3 : Adjustments on the Journey to Canaan

Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Finding security and a haven of rest in things that seem good but bring death

Three groups:
True believers: Need to take the next step. In danger of apathy
Intellectually convinced, but have not made a full commitment.
Those attracted to the gospel, but may not be truly convinced about Jesus

Hebrews 1: 3
Colossians 2: 9

The road to Canaan
Hebrews 4: 1, 9
Psalm 62: 1

A stern warning: Do not drift. Stay on course.
Hebrews 2: 1

B. Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus

Hebrews 3: 1 Therefore...

Jesus the ultimate revelation of God -- exact representation
Therefore, you who share in the heavenly calling...

Ephesians 2: 19 - 22
Hebrews 3: 1 - 6

The Israelites showed their unbelief by hardening their hearts and not responding to God.
Hebrews 3: 7 - 12

Encourage One Another Daily

To help keep us from drifting past the harbor of rest
A powerful weapon against unbelief and not responding to God

Spur on. Exhort. Beg. Plead. Appeal. Call urgently.

Hebrews 3: 12 - 13
Have you tacked recently?
Do you down-play the effect you can have on others?
How about the effect others can have on you?

Do not harden your hearts.
How can I change my brother's heart? God is sovereign, you are responsible.

Hebrews 10: 25
2 Timothy 1: 3 - 4a, 14
2 Timothy 2: 1 - 2, 10
1 Corinthians 4: 15 - 16

Is this a tack you need to make?

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