August 12, 2007

Hebrews – Part 13 : Concluding Exhortations

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August 12, 2007

Hebrews - Part 13 : Concluding Exhortations

Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

The depth of what He is asking of us, and our resistance to it.

The Canaan land of resting in Him, and trusting Him in the battles of the Promise Land.

Love as brothers
Be hospitable
Honor marriage
Be content with what you have
Beware of strange teaching

B. Outside the Camp

Hebrews 13: 11 - 14
Day of Atonement
Jesus died outside the city
Following Christ always brings some level of rejection

Jesus' suffering was not aimless - to make them holy
Set apart for God's purposes
Where do you find yourself searching for fulfillment, security and hope?

Hebrews 13: 15 - 16
We still offer the pleasing aroma of praise.
Showing self to be dead - thinking of others first.

We all have something to offer in response to what Christ has done.

A Shepherd's Burden

Hebrews 13: 17
A love and concern for others, but not primarily for their happiness in this life.
An example for all to follow

The pain of child birth to see Christ formed in them...
An overwhelming awareness of personal weakness that must be followed by...

Pray for Me

Hebrews 13: 18 - 19
You need me, but I need you. Pray!

E. Jesus, our Shepherd

Hebrews 13: 20 - 21
It is Jesus who does the work in us.
He is keeping watch over your soul.

F. Final Greetings

Hebrews 13: 22 - 25
"I beg you"
Medicine for the soul

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