October 7, 2007

The Sower and the Crop

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October 7, 2007

The Sower and the Crop

Steve Lane

A. Review

A change of core purpose
William Carey: "Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God."

Getting in the yoke with Christ - Matthew 11: 28 - 30
Equip you for living?
Twelve ordinary men
The absoluteness of the call
Luke 14: 26 Is this a part of your Christian experience?
John 6: 48 - 69 Take Me on completely.

What is He asking of me?

Come and see - Jesus' plan centered around the risky endeavor of investing in people.

Your training

B. Introduction

Jesus' ministry: Galilee and Judea/Perea
Synoptic gospels (common point of view)
So far in Mark... John the Baptist, the call... crowds are now following Jesus

The Sower and the Crop (or lack of crop)

Mark 4: 1 - 9 The Sower and the seed parable
What happens to the Word sown in your life? Will you sow into others' lives?
Is the Word fruitful in your life?

Mark 4: 13 - 20
The crop is fruit in your life, and fruitful ministry. The disciples were expected to have both.

What stops the word from being fruitful in your life, and what stops you from being fruitful?
What prevents the word from taking root in your life?
Mark 4: 15 - Satan takes away the Word

Mark 4: 16 - 17 - Trouble and persecution steal the effect away

Mark 4: 18 - 19 -
Worries of His life
Deceitfullness of wealth
Desires for other things...
A constant battle, but one that must be won - a final barrier to crop-producing in our list here.

D. Producing a Crop

A caution: better no fruit than bad fruit.
Mark 4: 20
But, when we humbly take in the word, there is a result.

E. Take Courage!

I repeat the words of Jesus that come alive in my heart.
Mark 6: 50
Matthew 25: 25
Fear caused the servant to hide his talent in the ground.
Mark 5: 35 - 36
"Take courage! Don't be afraid, It is I." "Have faith."


"He who has ears, let him hear."

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