October 21, 2007

Being Salt and Light to the World

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October 21, 2007

Being Salt and Light to the World

Steve Lane

A. Review

A change of core purpose
The job of the body is to...

Getting in the yoke with Christ - Matthew 11: 28 - 30 Rest

What will happen to the Word sown into your life? Will you sow into others?

"Take courage! Don't be afraid, It is I. Have faith."

B. Introduction

Beatitudes: from the Latin beatus (blessed); Happy, fortunate, blissful, spiritual prosperity

Matthew 5: 1 - Matthew 7: 29 Sermon on the Mount

The beatitudes bring full understanding of the law and the intent of the law.
Jesus fulfilled the law.
The beatitudes are what life in the kingdom is to be like (rightly related to God).

Matthew 5: 1 - 2 The goal: salty salt (Matthew 5: 13) and a light (Matthew 5: 16)

The Beatitudes - Being a Light to the World
Matthew 5: 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit
When a person truly recognizes their complete...
Two mind sets
Cain's response - he was offended Genesis 4: 5 - 7
Only the truly humble will be truly effective for God.

Matthew 5: 4 Blessed are those who mourn
Do you mourn your sins, and repent and receive comfort?

Matthew 5: 5 Blessed are the meek
Those resting in Christ will enter the promised land (land of rest)
Meekness is not weakness, but self-control and rest.

Matthew 5: 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
A hunger for a right relationship with God drives them.

Matthew 5: 7 Blessed are the merciful
"Willing to give up even their own dignity and honor for the sake of others."

Matthew 5: 8 Blessed are the pure in heart
Single mindedness toward God and following Jesus. A heart free from...

Matthew 5: 9 Blessed are the peacemakers
Our true concern is so much for others

Matthew 5: 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted
Matthew 5: 11 - 12

D. Conclusion

"You are the salt of the earth... you are the light of the world." Repent

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