November 25, 2007

Jesus Teaches His Followers to Pray -4

Service Type:

November 25, 2007

Jesus Teaches His Followers to Pray - pt. 4

Steve Lane

A. Review/Intro

It makes the Word come alive -- it makes our relationship with God come alive.
John 17: 1 - 5 Jesus prays for Himself and the glory of the Father
His entire life was focused on revealing God and God's message to mankind.
A desire to bring glory to God and not to self.
In God's eyes, you are already seated in Heaven.
It will all be clear one day, but for now it is seen by faith.
A new life - the full measure of the joy of Christ.

B. Jesus Prays for His Disciples

John 17: 13 - 14
The Spirit of Christ is opposite the spirit of the world. So, there will be conflict.

John 17: 15 - 19
He leaves them in the world for a purpose.
We can fall off either side of the horse.
The history of the church bears out both of these tendencies.
Jesus' attitude toward those who did not know Him yet.
He encouraged His disciples in partnership, fellowship and unity.
Our motive is preparation to engage the world, not escape the world.

1 John 2: 15
James 4: 4
2 Corinthians 6: 14
We are to be partners with Christ, in representing Him to the world.

John 17: 17 - 19 (again)
We are sanctified -- set apart for His purposes. ALL believers.
Romans 12: 2
Ephesians 5: 26

We are sent into the world, just as Christ was sent into the world.

Philippians 2: 5 - 11
The trick is to go with the attitude of Christ.

He chooses to have our participation.
Love God. Love your neighbor. GO...

Jesus Prays Specifically for Us

John 17: 20
John 17: 21
Unity is not same-ness.

Philippians 2: 1 - 4
This unity is only expressed when you are... bearing fruit, loving Him and receiving.

His love == others' needs being placed ahead of our own.
Self-focus is crippling to the mission of the church.
Our unity makes the mission of Jesus real and believable to the world.

Our whole mission in the world is dependent on these things.

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