December 23, 2007

The Faith and the Sacrifice of Christmas

Service Type:

December 23, 2007

The Faith and the Sacrifice of Christmas

Steve Lane

A. Review / Intro

The Humility of Christmas
Faith and Sacrifice
These two elements are part of fulfilling God's purpose in the world and your life.

Humility Philippians 2: 5 - 11
Isaiah 53

Not from Jesus' perspective, but Joseph and Mary and others involved in the first Christmas.

B. Mary

Luke 1: 26 - 38
A simple statement of belief and acceptance of the cost.
The angel did not appear to her relatives or the townspeople.
See her spiritual maturity in Luke 1: 46 - 56


Matthew 1: 18 - 25
He simply believed and obeyed -- he knew the cost would be tremendous.


Families Matthew 2: 16 - 18
The cost of Christmas was terribly high.

D. Conclusion

Faith and sacrifice. There is opportunity. Do you see them in your life?

faith sacrifice

These are the ways of God.
Faith is not understanding, and trusting God anyway.

Tools He uses to purify His church and mature us -- will you really receive this teaching?

Ephesians 5: 25 - 27 Radiant church, without stain or wrinkle. HOLY.
2 Corinthians 11: 2
2 Corinthians 5 No longer living for ourselves, but...
2 Corinthians 2: 16 ...Being the fragrance of Christ.

Always in danger of being derailed on the road of sanctification.
Willing to confront [accountability] and preach the truth with perserverance.

Our tendency is to get comfortable.
Just as Jesus prepared His disciples with specific teaching, we too must receive and act.

Philippians 3: 12 - 16
We are moving on. Don't get left behind.


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