February 17, 2008

Pilgrim’s Progress 3

Service Type:

February 17, 2008
Growing in Christ - Pilgrim's Progress - pt. 3

Steve Lane

A. Review/Spiritual Growth

Philippians 3: 12 - 20
Philippians 4: 1
Pressing on toward the goal - growing.

Philippians 1: 20 - 21 Your core purpose?
His purpose and cause in your life brings joy!

2 Peter 1: 3 - 4
2 Peter 1: 10 - 11
Do you want to be useful in the Kingdom? Pay attention...

1 Peter 5: 1 - 4 A fellow traveler
Little-faith, Faintheart, Mistrust, Doubt and Guilt - all stout hoodlums.

Galatians 5: 26
We must keep in step with the Spirit

B. Pilgrim's Progress
An allegory - Christian from the City of Destruction; Book; burden of sin
Evangelist - Wicket Gate; Obstinate and Pliable; Slough of Despond
Worldly Wiseman from the town of Morality; Interpreter's house for instructions
Christian sees the cross, runs to it. There, his burden rolled off. (Entering the Wicket Gate)
Two imposters: Hypocrisy and Formality from the town of Vainglory
The Hill of Difficulty - two roads around
"Is the Celestial City and the image of Christ of such little value that you did not count it worth the hazards and difficulties to reach it?"
Timorous and Mistrust - "The further we go, the more dangerous it becomes."
House beautiful - Christian learned much to prepare him, and received armor.
Descending into the Valley of Humiliation and Death.
Attacked by Appollyon; Critic and Self-love; A deep ditch on one side, and on the other a filthy slough
Partnership; the same direction; unity ( Psalm 133: 1 - 2 )
Those on the right road greatly need and desire like-minded travelers.
Faithful recounts his own journey to Christian
The way of progress for a pilgrim is not an easy way; Miss Wanton
He met a very 'old man' at the foot of the hill of difficulty, from the town of Deceit
( 1 John 2: 16 )
Red flaggs! You are in the flesh, under control of the old nature
Colossians 3
Ephesians 4
Galatians 5
1 Peter 2
1 Thessalonians 5
Philippians 4

Faithful met Discontent in the Valley of Humility. The saw Talkative
He asked him for another sign (besides his knowledge & talk) - a proof of the saving grace.
2 Thessalonians 3: 6 1 Timothy 6: 5 From such, withdraw yourself.
They came to the town of Vanity - Vanity Fair - worthless / meaningless
They soon ran into a man named Byends, from the town of Fairspeech
( Proverbs 26: 25 )
Also Mr. Moneylove, Hold the World and Mr. Saveall...
C. Conclusion

1 Peter 1: 1 - 2
2 Peter 1: 3 - 11

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