February 24, 2008

Pilgrim’s Progress 4

Service Type:

February 24, 2008
Growing in Christ - Pilgrim's Progress - pt. 4

Steve Lane

A. Review/Spiritual Growth

We want to raise your awareness of what's going on in your life, and for you to do what it takes to possess these qualities in increasing measure and to get your eyes on the prize!

Philippians 3: 12 - 20
Philippians 4: 1
Pressing on toward your goal - growing

Philippians 1: 20 - 21 Your core purpose?

2 Peter 1: 3 - 4
2 Peter 1: 10 - 11
Do you want to be useful in the Kingdom? Pay attention...

Galatians 5: 26
We must keep in step with the Spirit.

Concerning growth - rationalizations, arguments and excuses are rampant

Colossians 1: 28
Ephesians 4: 11 - 16

The pattern in Philippians 3:7-4:1 and 2 Peter 1

Warnings of scripture

B. Pilgrim's Progress

An allegory - Christian from the City of Destruction; his jourey to the Celestial City
Byends from the town of Fairspeech ( Proverbs 26: 25 )
Also Mr. Moneylove, Hold the World and Saveall...
"Why it was their belligerent manner they... They're in favor of hazarding everything for God at any moment, and I am in favor of taking all advantages to secure my life and estate..."
And Mr. Hold the World said, "Yes, and stick to your beliefs Mr. Byends."
A luxurious plain called Ease
Hill called Lucre and in the hill was a silver mine - Demas ( 2 Timothy 4: 10 )
Hopeful considered going over just for a look.
Then their way went along a pleasant river, 'The River of God'
The Way left the river, and they were very disappointed ( Numbers 21: 4 )
His name was Vain Confidence, and they asked him where the path led.
Hopeful asked, "Where are they now?"
Jeremiah 31: 21 "Set up road signs; put up guide posts; take note of the road you take."
The castle named Doubling Castle whose owner was Giant Despair
"Let's bear up with patience and avoid the shame that isn't suitable for a Christian to be found in." ( Acts 16: 25 )
The key of promise:
Romans 6: 11
2 Corinthians 1: 20
Hebrews 6: 8
1 Peter 1: 3
2 Peter 1: 4
1 John 2: 25
The Delightful Mountains - Shepherds who taught them more about their pilgrimage ( Hosea 14: 9 )
The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them."
The blind among the tombs ( Proverbs 21: 16 )
A door to Hell in the side of a hill
Strengthened, encouraged and warned, they continue on their journey
They met with a very spirited lad, whose name was Ignorance ( John 10: 1 )
Little Faith - Faint Heart, Mistrust, Guilt and Doubt
C. Conclusion

Luke 8: 14 - 15
Are your producing a crop?

Philippians 3: 13
Revelation 3: 14 - 22
1 John 2: 28

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