April 6, 2008

Assurance of Salvation

Service Type:

April 6, 2008
What We Believe - Assurance of Salvation

Steve Lane

A. Introduction

Motive for this topic: 1 John 5: 13
"The work is real. I can no more doubt it than my own existence..."
Do you want to be absolutely sure of your acceptance and approval before God?
Different perspectives: Justification and relational view
Matthew 7: 15 - 23 "I never knew you"
2 Corinthians 13: 5 Examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith
Regeneration - a work that God does.
"But genuine love for God and His people, heart-felt obedience to His commands, and the Christ-like character traits that Paul calls the fruit of the Spirit demonstrated consistently over a period of time in a person's life, simply cannot be produced by Satan or the natural man or woman working in his or her own strength. These can come about only by the Spirit of God working within and giving us new life."

-Wayne Gruden

Three perspectives:
What you believe
What you love
How you behave
Our basic design and purpose is to know God.
Be careful not to confuse the evidence of salvation and the way of salvation.
B. What You Believe (mind)

1 John 5: 20
Justification - being right with God and accepted by Him.

Romans 1: 16 - 17
Romans 4: 5
Ephesians 2: 6 - 9
2 Corinthians 5: 21

Romans 3: 10 - 11
Romans 5: 12
Realize the depth of our sin, sin nature and acts of sin.

Romans 3: 19 - 20
Romans 3: 21 - 24
Wake up! False security... has regeneration taken place?
1 John 3: 9 Overcomes temptation
1 John 3: 16 Habitual victory over sin
Loves the brethren
1 Peter 2: 2 Loves the Word
Matthew 5: 44 Loves enemies
2 Corinthians 5: 14 Loves lost souls
C. What You Love (emotions)

1 John 4: 19 - 21

1 John 1: 3
A genuine love for God and His people

1 John 3: 1
There is a real relationship with God.

1 John 5: 9 - 10
His Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are His.

1 John 2: 6
We begin to love what He loves, and desire what He desires and...

D. How We Behave (will)

1 John 1: 5 - 7
1 John 5: 2 - 3
It's not just about what we do not do, but being conformed to His image.

1 John 2: 6
Bearing the fruit of the Spirit and looking more like Jesus.

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