November 2, 2008

Truth and Light

Service Type:

November 2, 2008
1 John: Truth and Light (cont.)
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review

A letter from John the Apostle, Around 90 AD.

Zeal for the truth must be balanced with love for people.

"A shallow, tolerant sentimentality is a poor substitute for genuine love."

God is dealing with us on...
not letting our hearts deceive us; confession and repentance; passion for God; boldness for the gospel; walking in the light; loving the brethren in truth and love.

Preaching for the glory of God, and the joy I get when He answers prayer and brings glory to His Name through your life.

B. Stages of Growth

1 John 2: 12 - 14
Philippians 3: 8
Fathers with a deep knowledge of the eternal God

"I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake..."

Young men - sound doctrine and abide in the Word
My dear children - They know God, and have deep thankfulness.

C. Don't Love the World

1 John 2: 15 - 17
You either love God and the brethren, or you love the world.

Matthew 10: 37 - 39
Philippians 3: 20

Example: most false teaching will appeal to the flesh.
Example: if the pattern of your life is a focus on the here and now...
Don't be fooled by the temporary.

Genesis 3: 6
1 Corinthians 7: 29
The draw of the world that we all feel is to place our hope and joy in this world
"God is most glorified in me when I am most happy in Him."
- John Piper
The Apostle shows us the opposite of loving the world.

This kind of prayer is the opposite of the world system, because it is the pursuit of God's glory and is acknowledgement of our helplessness and His power.

John 14: 13
The motive of our prayer needs to be the glory of God.

John 15: 8
John 16: 24
Ask and receive, and your joy will be complete.
His glory and our joy are a single pursuit.

James 4: 3 - 5
We can identify wrong motive in praying.

Psalm 50: 15
I get the delight of deliverance. He gets the glory due His Name.

Psalm 73: 25 - 26
Psalm 27: 4
1 John 2: 15 - 17

D. Conclusion

We desire and pursue our joy in the glory of God and not the world.

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