November 9, 2008

Don’t be Lead Astray

Service Type:

November 9, 2008
1 John: Don't be Lead Astray
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
The false teachers can be tested by the previous information.
The joy of fellowship with the Triune God and with the body, receptive hearts, repentance, walking in the light, living what is taught, truth and love...
Loving God and not the world, or things of the world.
B. False Teachers

1 John 2: 18
Last hour/Last days - nothing has to happen before the rapture.
A coming war against Israel, prophesied by Ezekiel.
Israel: 1948 war, six-day war in June of 1967, the Yom Kippur war of 1973... birth pains.
Before the final world ruler, the Antichrist who is energized by Satan, there will be many antichrists who are false teachers opposing Christ.
Ephesians 5: 11 John is in the process of exposing the antichrists.

1 John 2: 19
They may arise in the church, but usually don't stay in fellowship.

1 John 2: 20 - 21
You have the Word yourself, and you have the Holy Spirit living in you.

The most basic characteristic is their view on Jesus.
1 John 2: 22 - 25
The true nature of Christ is denied - the most common thread in false teaching.
The emergent church will probably be one of the biggest impacts from inside.

Postmodern cultural response which also impacts the church.
Rebelling against absolute truth: Pluralism and Relativism
Not going back to the Word, which all legitimate reformers have done.
Reinterpreting according to culture.

1 John 2: 26 - 27
DON'T PANIC. You've been taught the truth - you have the Holy Spirit.

C. Be Ready!

1 John 2: 28 - 29
Be sober. Be alert. Don't be ashamed at His coming.

D. Conclusion
So, let's desire and pursue our joy in the glory of God, and not in this world.
The church is always being attacked from without and from within.
Our natural response when we see things going bad is...
Even in the worst of times, God is holding out mercy.
Pray. Be willing to do whatever it takes to bring as many with you as you can.

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