November 16, 2008

The Adventure of Righteousness

Service Type:

November 16, 2008
1 John: The Adventure of Righteousness
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
The false teachers can be tested.
Loving God, and not the world or things therein.
Recognizing false teachers; spirit of the antichrist; cultural influence.
Be ready. Don't be ashamed at His coming. (signs of His coming)
Even in the worst of times, God is extending mercy.
B. The Righteous Lives of God's Children

1 John 2: 28 - 29
A repeated theme: "does what is right" or "practices righteousness"
We have different family traits... like righteousness. It should show.

1 John 3: 1
Romans 1: 17
Romans 3: 21 - 22
Ephesians 4: 24

1 Peter 1: 3,13 - 16
The motivation of Christ appearing.

1 John 3: 1
The cause: the new birth. The effect: righteous living.

2 Peter 3: 11 - 12
Again, the appearing of Christ to motivate holy living.
His astonishing love for us - love is the best motivator.
How could there not be clear evidence of the new life in every believer?

Righteousness of Jesus. Do you mainly think of what He didn't do?
Serving others; laying down His life; having a holy, eternally focused mission.

C. Pilgrims and Strangers

1 John 3: 2 - 3
Hebrews 11: 3
1 Peter 1: 1
1 Peter 2: 11
We have been born again with a new nature from Heaven.
God's children - we no longer practice sin.
"The things of the world grow strangely dim."
The Lawn King

Narnia: adventures and great battles, fearful places and creatures, and children on a holy mission.

We forget that our homes, our jobs and our health are not the end, but the means.

Do you practice righteousness like Jesus, or are you just not doing 'bad' things?

D. Children of God, or...

1 John 3: 4 - 6
Sin is completely incompatible with the work and mission of Christ.

2 Corinthians 5: 21
Romans 6: 1 - 4
Galatians 2: 20 - 21
Christ lives in me.

E. Conclusion

1 John 3: 7 - 10
The call to righteousness that is on every single child of God.

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