January 11, 2009

The Gospel – Introduction

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January 11, 2009
The Gospel - Introduction
Steve Lane

A. Introduction

Today's message and this series is not about a church building. There may be crossover.
B. What is the Gospel?

Anglo-Saxon god-spell i.e. god story Greek euangelion English - evangel

Evangelical Dictionary of Theology: "The joyous proclamation of God's redemptive activity in Christ Jesus on behalf of humans enslaved by sin."

Remember our mission Matt 28:18 Acts 1:8
We are called to bear fruit and make disciples.

C. Jesus Said 'Go'

Our orientation must be outward, toward the world.

A brief look at the church in Acts chapter 8
Acts 8:1 - 4

They had been prepared for this. Think back to Acts 2:42 - 47
As good as they were doing though, they were not being fully obedient. They were not 'going.'

Multiplication was not taking place. Everyone had to realize they were called into ministry

D. To Multiply, We Must Leave the Comfort Zone

How long since you have done something uncomfortable or sacrificial for the sake of the gospel?
Mark 10:29
Acts 20:24
1 Corinthians 9:23

A danger sign for the church and for individuals is when there is declining or lack of zeal for outreach and the gospel

True revival will bring back the fullness of Christ in our lives and a love for the lost.

"If a church grows without Christ actively present in their midst transforming lives and opening hearts. A church may grow larger, but will just be a large, ingrown church. Church growth that is not inspired by faith in Christ's power to transform lives is dangerous."

-John Miller

E. Conclusion

Romans 1:16 - 17
God changes us and He can transform anyone. Anyone.

Don't waste your life.
Acts 20:24

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