January 18, 2009

Principles of Evangelism

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January 18, 2009
The Gospel - Principles of Evangelism
Steve Lane

A. Introduction

Review: "The joyous proclamation of God's redemptive activity in Christ Jesus on behalf of humans enslaved by sin."

Two verses to believe as we work through this today:
Acts 1: 8 You are empowered to be His witness
John 7: 37 - 39 Rivers of living water

We do not define evangelism in terms of achieved results. To evangelize is to proclaim.

Paul and the others had a general expectation of fruit.
Romans 1: 16
Romans 15: 16
Galatians 3: 8
Colossians 1: 6
Matthew 28: 19

Most of the verses on the gospel have to do with being a faithful witness and the proclamation of the gospel -- not results.

We are called to be proclaimers of the gospel and to make great sacrifices to be messengers.
2 Timothy 1: 8
Mark 8: 35

No fruit? Do not be demoralized, but don't have a cavalier attitude either. Examine your heart.

Intimacy with God produces people who love the lost and share their faith with others.
Perseverance and faith are key. Trust God to work in His time.

B. Immobilized by Unbelief

A lack of zeal for outreach is evidence of a lack of faith..
What are your feelings about outreach?

Lost hope in evangelizing? Consider the sovereignty and grace of God.
You can be a daring witness. "Whoever believes... rivers of living waters will flow."

C. More Principles of Sound Evangelism
Meditating on an dbelieving the promises of God
Ongoing repentence that comes out of intensely studying God's Word
Consistent and believing prayer -- corporately and individually
Reaching out; developing relationships and boldly sharing the gospel
Making disciples
John 15: 5,26-27
John 17: 23
Mobilizing each person's gifts for Christ's mission to the world.
Every church wanting to plant more churches
To be passionately devoted to Christ and His cause is sometimes uncomfortable... but joyful.

John 15: 5,26-27 Daily dependence on Him and reliance on His Spirit.

All this is in the context of the Apostles fulfilling their mission.

Don't waste your live - Acts 20: 24

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