January 25, 2009

Faith and Repentance

Service Type:

January 25, 2009
The Gospel - Faith and Repentance
Steve Lane

A. Introduction

Review: "The joyous proclamation of God's redemptive activity in Christ Jesus on behalf of humans enslaved by sin."

Acts 1: 8
You are empowered to be His witness

John 7: 37 - 39
Rivers of living water

We do not define evangelism in terms of achieved results.
Intimacy with God produces people who love the lost and share their faith with others.
A lack of zeal for outreach is evidence of a lack of faith.
Principles of sound evangelism

Matthew 28: 18
Our mission is a call to radical commitment.

Example: The sinking of the Titanic

It has always required sacrifice and commitment to get the gospel out.

B. Unbelieving-Resistance to the Command and the Desires of the Head of the Church

Ever notice how we get stuck somewhere?

He has given us an impossible task to which our obedience is critical for our growth. This task is at the heart of God, and if we are walking with Jesus it will be at our heart as well.

John 3: 17
Luke 19: 10
Luke 15: 7
Romans 8:5b
John 15: 26 - 27

1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 11
The normal church

Let's look again at the missionary command:

Go and disciple
And a promise: I will be with you (Also Luke 11: 11 - 13)

Indifferent to #1 and ignorant of #2

Symptoms of unbelief and stubbornness (things to watch for and repent of)
Tunnel vision
Limiting ministry to only those things that can be accomplished by visible, human resources.
John 14: 12 is never really considered a possibility.
A shared sense of superiority
Extreme sensitivity to negative human opinion
C. Conclusion

Matthew 3: 8

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