February 8, 2009

Power of the Church

Service Type:

The Gospel - The Missionary Authority and Power of the Church
Steve Lane

A. Review

"Then the heart sees what God wants, the body must be willing to spend and be spent for that cause alone"
-Oswald Chambers

The basic nature of the church
"Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!" This is God's will for you.

B. Introduction/Practical Things

"Open hearts and open homes"
Hospitality is more than just being friendly.
A people that sacrificially love others and gently confront the world with the gospel.

Where does the gospel being a motivating factor originate?
Romans 8: 5
Romans 12: 1 - 2

A deeper spiritual life must be a necessary base for sharing the gospel or you will grow weary.

John 15: 15 - I no longer call you servants, but friends.

Most people excuse themselves from going and sharing their faith...
It's not so much our situations -- God can use us in any situation.

As we are obedient to our commission, we will see our priorities change.
Gospel sharing is a way of life, not a phase we are in.

C. Commissioned

Rare that we look at the church as a group that God has called into existence to do something.
Matthew 28: 18 - 20 - A radical definition of the church.

He comforted them, promised them peace. It was in the context of a mission.

What is the Master's business?
Matthew 28: 18 - 20
2 Corinthians 5: 18 - 21
John 3: 16

Is there a gaping hole in your friendship with Jesus?

What is the proper response to someone who has legitimate authority over you?

D. Sent, but Not Without Power

Power in believers and the church directly liked to gospel sharing.
Acts 4: 29 - 31 - The early church praying in faith for the gospel to go out with power.

Key to ministry:
Word (Gospel)

It is His power that brings in the harvest.

E. Is the Church Developing the Problem of the Pharisees

"It was the Pharisees who developed the doctrine of 'salvation by separation.' They were practicing segregationists, believing holiness was achieved by avoiding contact."
-RC Sproul

Why would this happen? The ingrown church or church members are weak in faith.
"Without the eye of faith, the harvest seems impossible."

Acts tells us about the zealous ones of the early church.
Acts 1: 13 - 14
Acts 2: 1,42
Acts 3: 1
Acts 4: 21 - 31

When they prayed together in one accord, there was a powerful spreading of the gospel.

F. Conclusion

2 Corinthians 5: 14 - 15

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