February 15, 2009

His Glory and Our Joy

Service Type:

His Glory and Our Joy
Steve Lane

A. Review

"When the heart sees what God wants, the body must be willing to spend and be spent for that cause alone."
-Oswald Chambers

Open hearts and open homes

A people that sacrificially love others and gently confront the world with the gospel.

Where does the gospel being a motivating life factor originate?

Romans 8:5

Romans 12: 1 - 2

It's not so much our situations -- God can use us in any situation.

As we are obedient to our commission, we will see our priorities change.

He comforted them; promised them peace. It was in the context of a mission.

"It was the Pharisees who developed the doctrine of 'salvation by separation.' They were practicing segregationists, believing holiness by avoiding contact..." -RC Sproul

B. Surrender is Key to the Gospel Message Getting Out

Fireproof example: what he needed was a true transformation.

1 Peter 1: 8 - 9
A one-time emotional experience wouldn't...
True heart change and a continuing in fresh knowledge with humility and glorious joy.

Many excuses over the years for hot sharing the Gospel -- for not having glorious joy.
As a response, there probably needs to be either true salvation or repentance.
If there is not this kind of humility and response to His mercy, we will become a dead church.

Even biography of a great Christian seems to include some description of coming to grips with...

Romans 11: 33 - 36
Romans 12: 1 - 2
We all have a stubborn streak that no amount of prodding from others can overcome. God must deal with it.
What we need as a church to truly worship Him together and to do what Hes has called us to do.

C. Four Steps to Renewal
Develop an openness to the vision for the local church.
Not accepting the status quo as the normal NT church.
Vividly, ever-freshly seeing God's mercy and responding with great joy.
1 Thessalonians 1: 2 - 10

Develop and honesty about your sins and weaknesses that leads to change.
Do we take seriously an absence of the 1 Peter 1: 8 - 9 type of you and praise?

Personalize your relationship with Christ and His message to the world.
His grace is for me. His mercy is for me. His power and presence are for me. His command to go is also for me.

Commit yourself to express God's glory in every part of your life and service.
Real testimonies of God's changing power will then bring us great joy and will honor God.

D. Conclusion

The power of God's grace is to change us. Repent, believe and give God the glory. We get joy.
1 Peter 1: 8
Romans 11: 33 - 36
Romans 12: 1 - 2

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