March 1, 2009

The Praying Church

Service Type:

The Gospel - The Praying Church
Steve Lane

A. Review/Intro
A people that sacrificially love others and gently confront the world with the gospel
Where does the gospel being a a motivating life factor originate?
Romans 8: 5
Romans 12: 1 - 2
He comforted them, promised them peace. This was in the context of a mission
We are commanded to show hospitality. philoxenia: love of strangers
He welcomed sinners and ate with them (Luke 15: 1 - 7)
"The Great Commission is a total demand on their lives by a Sovereign Master"
The fear of the cost of discipleship
Surrender... it produces a passion and zeal for Christ and the gospel
Romans 12: 11
John 2: 17
Luke 18: 1 - 3 Pray, and do not give up.
Delay is a common experience of God's people in prayer.

B. Shamelessly Bold and Persistent in Prayer

Do you see yourself as a desperately needy person? "I have nothing..."
Luke 11: 6

In his own need, the man has lost all sense of dignity.

Persistence - Boldness - shamelessness
The message is clear. We must not tip-toe around or play around with prayer

We should pray with shameless boldness that the Holy Spirit will bring revival to our church, along with a great harvest.

His self-forgetting love for others
His wisdom for praying specifically and intelligently
His boldness for prayer and risk-taking witness

C. Two Kinds of Prayer Meetings

So, front line prayer meetings, or maintenance prayer meetings?
Let's consider a few prerequisites for front line praying:
Faith and expectancy: In Matthew 18: 20 Jesus promises to be with two or three.
Acts 1: 13 - 14 Acts 2: 42 devoted

Unity of purpose: Acts 1: 14 The had unity of purpose in...
Acts 2: 1 Acts 4: 24 Romans 15: 5 - 6
A unity in the key subjects of prayer. Things like a revival in our church and a harvest.

Authority: Humility because we know our absolute powerlessness -- claiming of authority.
Matthew 18: 20 John 15: 16 John 16: 24 and of course Matthew 28: 18.

Commitment: a surrender to the will of Christ as revealed in the Great Commission, and a willingness to take risk in obeying that will.
Acts 1 - 4

A willingness to persevere through delay, even when asking the most pure and spiritual request.
Luke 18: 1

Agreement and prayer on key subjects:
Preaching of the Word on Sunday
Unsaved friends and neighbors
Seriously ill people
The youth and children
Work and coworkers
Welcoming church - open hearts and homes
Power from the Holy Spirit in sharing the gospel
The building
Revival in our own church
Bringing in the harvest

Luke 18: 1
James 5: 17

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