May 24, 2009

Being Prepared for Your Calling

Service Type:

Ephesians - Being Prepared for Your Calling
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
First three chapters... now action
God's glorious grace - Destiny and purpose: joy!
Humility - 'Who are you going to please?' (Doing things God's way, rather than my way.)
Division versus tension
Our unity is not based on natural affinity for one another
Pastor-teachers - plurality and unity
Perfecting the saints for their ministry
One of the secrets of intimacy with Jesus: Ministry (Romans 8: 5)
The Holy Spirit's outline...

B. Prepared, Perfected and Equipped to Serve

Ephesians 4: 11 - 12
Katartizo: Prepare, perfect, equip, complete, a fitting, equip to serve

Colossians 1: 28 - 29
Perfecting and conforming to the image of Christ
The primary preparation is helping each part becoming more like Christ.
The primary tools given the shepherd are the Word, prayer and relationship/hospitality.

Prepare: Why? For works of service or the work of ministry.
To bring the saints to a condition of fitness for the discharge of their function in the body.

1 Corinthians 12: 7
Each one has a gift or gifts to contribute
But, even gifts can be used for damage or division when individuals are not perfected.

Romans 12: 1 - 2
1 Corinthians 15: 58
2 Corinthians 2: 14 - 16
Aiming for lives of ministry.
But, many times the acts of ministry lead into a life of ministry.
But, it's better to not minister unless you are willing to do it within... Colossians 2: 19

Being shepherded and being in unity in a local body requires humility, meekness, ...
All of the teaching, fellowship and prayer so you would become the aroma of Christ.

Hebrews 13: 20 - 21
1 Peter 5: 10
Willing to have the holes in your own faith filled.

C. Practical Obedience

New people will be coming in... for them to be perfected, prepared...
Who is going to do the bulk of that ministry?

Ephesians 4: 12 - 13
Your ministry goal becomes the same as elders'.

Your calling and the shepherd's job is to see a growing willingness to...
Take steps. Dream about the possibility to serve Him.
Your have a calling. Seek the Lord and begin to take action.

There is a place of ministry for you in this.

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