October 4, 2009

Spiritual Farming

Service Type:

The Parables of Jesus - Spiritual Farming
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
Issues that will rock you to the core
History and culture can be very critical in understanding the very relevant message.
Four parables of warning following the Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes).
We are an easily fooled culture. We accept words without substance.
The faith that says, but does not really do, is unbelief.
Matthew 7: 21 - 23 It is not what a person says, but what they do that reveals the heart.
Matthew 7: 24 - 27 What we have built our life on is of key importance.
Farming - A common scene to the hearers: a farmer with a bag of seed.
Sowing seed what not that impressive. In fact, humble beginnings is a theme.
The simplicity of the gospel: "to repent and believe" seemed weak and vulnerable.

B. A Sower Went Out to Sow

Matthew 13: 3
The seed here is the Word of God -- the gospel. He sows abundantly.
There is a power in the seed, and we must be sowing.
There is also expectation of a harvest - He is sowing to get a crop.

C. The Growing Seed

Mark 4: 26 - 29
One that is lazy or resistant to sowing will waste not just the day, but the whole year.
You must scatter seed if there is going to be a harvest.
There is nothing we can do to make the seed germinate.
There is a power in the seed. It is not dependent on the sower.
It takes time to germinate. At first, a little blade, and later a stalk.
The harvest will come in time.
True believers must grow and change. They must be transformed more and more.
Where are you?

The sower went out to sow and did so with an expectation of a harvest.

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