November 1, 2009

The Stubborn and Fruitless Tree

Service Type:

The Parables of Jesus - The Stubborn and Fruitless Tree
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
The rest of the New Testament is needed to fully understand most of the parables Luke 24: 27,44
To not understand the parables enough to respond is a spiritual problem.
Matthew 13: 47 - 52 The final fishing trip.
The Good Shepherd and sheep pen
The lost sheep and the lost coin - The parable of the lost son
The point of the story: the response of the father!

Introduction to the parable:

Luke 13: 1 - 5 Sets up the parable.
He turns the tables on them and tells them they are self-deceived!
Two issues to bring before you this morning.

Isaiah 5: 1 - 7 It says that the Lord planted a vineyard
Micah 7: 1 He goes out into the Vineyard to harvest and there are no grapes.
In context, this meaning of this parable could be equally applied to the individual.

B. Luke 13: 6 - 9 A Fruit Tree that did not Bear Fruit

Luke 3: 7 "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance..."
A little about fruit:
Galatians 5: 22 - 25
Romans 8: 5 (key)
James 3: 13 - 18

We forget that at the heart of fruit is a seed... that seed is to produce other trees.
The joy of a tree is to produce fruit. The joy of the vineyard owner is to harvest the fruit.
But there is no fruit. There should be fruit by now.

C. What Stops Us from Bearing Fruit?

What stops us from seeing that we are not really bearing fruit?
And, what stops us from really doing something about it?
Stubbornness and self-deception.

What is the first step, according to Jesus here?

Jesus is the One digging around and fertilizing, and in mercy giving another year.
How long will you hang on to your sin?
The stubborn heart refuses repentance, and it can be astonishingly stubborn.
How long will you hang on... taking up space?

D. One More Year, then Cut it Down

Make provision for the flesh.
Stubbornness may come in a different package than we expect.

Hard heart; stubbornness; pride.
Leviticus 26: 19
Psalm 81: 12
Jeremiah 5: 23
Mark 3: 5
Mark 16: 14
Romans 2: 5

Self-deception and stubbornness are gateway sins.

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