December 6, 2009

To Get Us to Pray

Service Type:

The Parables of Jesus - To Get Us to Pray
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
Abiding sanctifies our desires and our passion in prayer. "I hear you knocking..."
Because the man dared to ask his friend, he got what he asked. (Luke 11)
It is a promise of power in doing the will of Jesus and living out the revolution.
But we must also consider the context of persevering prayer. (John 15: 7)
Bold and persevering prayer within the intended context.
James 4: 3 - 10 Wrong praying. Asking God to fill the hole with something else.
Many are trying to use their direct line for something other than the revolution.
Here is the goal: To get you to pray.

B. Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Luke 11 ] "Lord, teach us to pray."
They are sent out as His children, His representatives, ambassadors and He will go with them.

C. Lord, Get Us to Pray

Luke 11: 9 ] But they/we must be asking; must be praying.
Then He deepens the impact with another parable about a son asking a father.
Our calling and our sending out belongs to the miraculous.
2 Corinthians 10: 4 ] Then we need supernatural power.

Then in Luke 18: 1 - 8, What about when a legitimate prayer is not answered?

Ephesians 6: 18 - 20 ] An attitude of prayer that pleases God: wrestling in prayer, prevailing prayer.

Psalm 50: 15 ] We do not glorify God by providing for His needs.

D. Planning to Pray
Practical, then spiritual: There is a struggle to a barrier that has crept in. One example of a barrier is complacency: if you are satisfied that souls are not being saved.
While our flesh may avoid real prayer, it is not drudgery to meet with God.
The great enemy to constantly being in an attitude of prayer and to have focused prayer...

E. Turning to God Now

Remembering the way is opened up for you into the Most Holy Place.

Hebrews 4: 14 - 16
Hebrews 10: 19 - 25
'Take me into the Holy of Helios'

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