May 16, 2010

Complacency, Pride and Evangelism – Intro

Mother's Day
Servants, Partners and Risk Takers for Jesus and His Mission
Steve Lane

A. Introduction - Women and Relationships
Women are so capable of depth of relationship, and alert to the innuendos of relationship.
And, like all traits, it can be used for either good or evil.
Tempted to meet unfulfilled needs through relationships, and many times wrong.
1 Timothy 5: 5

B. Your Motive and THE Source of Your Help

Many times, women are weary—physically, emotionally, spiritually or all of the above.
You must get to the bottom of your motive. Get selfishness and rebellion far from you, and find God's motive in everything you do.

2 Corinthians 6: 1 Will He partner with you in what your are doing?
Romans 8: 5 Is your mind—your heart set on what the Holy Spirit desires?

When you get your central purpose and motive right, God does amazing things with a little.
1 Kings 17: 8
She gave a little—all she had, and God did mighty things with it.

Mark 12: 42 The giving widow.
Her motive—her heart was right, and God did wonderful and mighty things with very little.

Mark 14: 8 - 9 She did what she could.

You need to get into your heart what was in Jesus' heart, and possibly pursue...

C. Whatever Your Situation

Not waiting until you can do it the way you have envisioned, but God will bless.

The key is to live every stage and situation for the purposes and glory of God. Differing situations:
Timothy's mother and grandmother
Phoebe - a single woman who Paul commends in Romans 16: 1 - 2
Priscilla and Aquila in Romans 16: 3 - 4 - a couple living sacrificially for the cause of Christ.
Elizabeth Elliot - five young widows, sitting around the table. It was their mission too!
You must make it personal.

D. Conclusion

Servants, partners, risk takers for Jesus and His mission of relationship. Reconciling man to God.

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