May 30, 2010

Following Jesus

Complacency, Pride and Evangelism - Following Jesus
Steve Lane

A. Review - Pride
Obedience - why not? What was it for which Jesus found worth dying?
2 Corinthians 5: 14 - 21 His love that compels us on our new mission.
What would you call it if Joseph began to care more about his own interest?
The many faces of pride clog the irrigation of the gospel to the world.

B. Have You been Called to Follow Jesus?

Are you a follower of Jesus? Have you heard His call?
Matthew 9: 9
Mark 2: 17
Romans 1: 6
Romans 8: 28,30
1 Corinthians 1: 9,26
Ephesians 1: 18
2 Thessalonians 2: 14
1 Peter 2: 21

"Follow Me"
Matthew 8: 22, Matthew 9: 9, Matthew 10: 38,
Matthew 16: 24, Matthew 19: 21, etc.

Can we agree on this? You can be sure you have been called to follow Jesus.
What does it mean to follow? You go where He goes; you stop where He stops; eat when He eats...
The path on which Jesus leads us is not straight. We must allow the crooked straight path.

C. A Servant of Jesus
He was a servant. We are called to be servants.
He gives us this truth that feels very odd to us. His kingdom is upside down. (Opposite our earthly aspirations)
Matthew 20: 25 - 28 We must think differently.
We get true satisfaction and fullness of life when we die to self, and when we give to others.
Matthew 16: 24 Follow Jesus and serve Him.
Peter wanted to know: we have left everything and followed you. What happens next?
If you want to keep everything you have, and also follow, it will not work.

D. What does He Want?
Matthew 18: 1 - Who is greatest in the Kingdom?
Matthew 19: 29 - 30 - The first will be last, and the last first. We are called to a different track.
Philippians 2: 3 - 7 - Regard one another as better than yourself—be a servant of the King.
"What's in it for me now?"
Ephesians 3: 17 - 21 - There will be plenty—more than you can imagine even now.
Matthew 4: 19 - I came to seek and save that which was lost.

E. Doing what He Did
John 14: 12
The follower of Christ will get His heart and take on His characteristics.

F. Come and Follow Me

"Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God."
~William Carey

Matthew 8:22
When you follow, you have to leave something.

When you have that feeling in your stomach, that you have been treated unfairly, stop, take note and recognize the flesh in it. Repent and ask God to change you.

Matthew 4: 19

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