June 20, 2010

Peter’s Weakness was his Strengh

Service Type:

Peter's Weakness was His Strength
Steve Lane

A. Review
Complacency, Pride and Evangelism
Unclog the pipes, and let the refreshment of the good news flow through you!
Prayer and our commission: Build on a foundation of Prayer (Acts 1: 14)
Deliberate in bible reading and prayer.

B. Introduction - His Strength is Perfected in Weakness
747 jumbo jet totalling 500 tons with people, cargo and fuel... law of gravity
Romans 8: 2 The law of the Spirit of Life sets us free from the law of sin and death.
Consistent love, joy, peace, patience, sharing the gospel, serving God, making disciples...
The Lord used his failures and weakness to enable him to clearly see his pride.
1 Corinthians 1: 26 - 31
1 Corinthians 2: 1 - 5
2 Corinthians 12: 8 - 10
2 Corinthians 13: 4 - 5

C. The Men that Turned the World Upside-Down

Keep us moving in the direction of Christ-likeness and, particularly, in clearing out the clog of pride.
None of the Apostles seem likely for their position of representing Jesus, and to be given the task.
Acts 4: 13 - This was their reputation—common men, not speakers, writers, leaders...
The bible is very clear: they are weak. None have exceptional or natural talents or intellect.
They proved true the verses that God's strength is made perfect in weakness.

D. The Training of Peter
Peter was no different from the rest of the disciples. None of them were ready to fly.
Jesus will teach him humility, submission, faithfulness, depth of spiritual understanding, power...
Matthew 26: 31 He was rebuked in front of enemies in the garden.
1 Peter 5: 5 - 7 Jesus used all of this to humble Peter.
Luke 22: 31 - 34 While Satan means it for harm, Jesus will use it for Peter's good.
Peter would be equipped to show compassion to those who were struggling.
Romans 8: 28 - 29 Do you think he is talking about easy things here?
1 Peter 5: 8 - 11, Acts 4: 18, Acts 5: 29
Peter did learn to do things in his training, but he had to learn to be something else: the Rock.
He had to learn submission and humility, restraint and love, compassion and courage.

E. Peter, a New Man in the Power of the Holy Spirit

So, no more mistakes recorded about Peter, right? In Galatians 2, Paul relates...
Remaining teachable, humble and sensitive to the correction and conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Peter's life was always moving toward martyrdom (John 21: 18 - 19, 1 Peter 1: 8 - 9)

F. Conclusion

Are you struggling? One of the most valuable lessons of your life is... you are utterly weak.
Ephesians 3: 20 - 21 God can use you. He wants us to be willing to be used to the max.

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