July 4, 2010

Continuing on the Road to Maturity

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1 Peter - Continuing on the Road to Maturity
Steve Lane

A. Review: Running with Joy
The road to maturity, joy, peace and glory to Christ
Peter's weakness was his strength.
And where is faith built to run the race? In the gym of trials, persecutions and struggles.
Romans 5: 3 - 5 Must be willing to go through the process.
Verses 8 - 9 To run with inexpressible and glorious joy.
Peter's equation: faith + hope + love = joy
If this is true, then this will be true (therefore, since, because, now, for, etc.)

B. 1 Peter 1: 10 - 12 Concerning this Great Salvation
All of the Old Testament was leading up to Jesus and salvation.
This salvation has been rolling along and gathering steam from before time began.
This salvation is so wonderful and astounding that even the angels of Heaven long to look into it.

C. 1 Peter 1: 13 Therefore, Gird up the Loins of Your Mind
Therefore, prepare your minds for action. "Gird up the loins of your mind!"
This is not just an invite Jesus into your heart kind of salvation! It's a tsunami.
Brace yourself, it has a head of steam from eternity past. You will not be the same.
Put an end to those extraneous thoughts and patterns that are muddying the water.
There is a battle to be fought and a job to be done, and you need to be fit for the task.
Grow up... in grace. You are not who you once were.
How do I prepare my mind for action? "Be sober minded." By faith, win the battle.
Even though you have the Holy Spirit... it takes focus and preparation to win.
Hebrews 12: 1 - 2 Laying aside those things that so easily weigh us down.
Setting our minds free from jealousy, fear, lust, resentment, unforgiveness, worry, etc.

D. 1 Peter 1: 14 - 16 Do not be Conformed to Your Old Pattern
A new creation in Christ Jesus, and you have had a core purpose change.
Romans 1: 2There used to be a set of desires that ran your life.
You are to be holy—purified and set apart for the purposes of God. You have a different motive, desires, purpose and power.
1 John 2: 4 - 6; 2 Corinthians 2: 14 - 16 You will be the aroma of Christ.
This is the salvation you have!
1 Peter 1: 17; 1 Corinthians 3: 13 - 15 You are a child of of the Father, but He will judge your works, your life.
Since you have this kind of salvation, you are not so taken-up with the things of this world.
Finding our joy in the things of this earth distracts us from our holy calling and purpose.

E. 1 Peter 1: 18 - 21 Now it's up to You. Will You Believe and will You Love?
Why, then, do you live for the things of this earth? You were not purchased...
It is also a reminder of the price of your salvation, and that it was not of earthly stuff.

As you take communion this morning, remember and believe! Put your trust and hope fully in Him. Love Him and be filled with inexpressible joy. You are receiving the goal of your faith.

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