August 8, 2010

Strangers, Aliens and Sojourners

Service Type:

1 Peter - Strangers, Aliens and Sojourners
Steve Lane

A. Review
Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of God
Longing for soul food (Psalm 63: 3 - 9) Why does praise satisfy the hunger of David's soul?
These common areas of disobedience/off-ramps hold us back from the eating and being satisfied.
Responding to God's love: believing and responding.
If we want to grow up in our salvation, we must have taste that the Lord is good, and experience being satisfied as with the riches of foods.
We are living stones that make up a spiritual temple. (Ephesians 2: 19 - 22)
Don't miss this. The point of the whole temple was what was inside.

B. 1 and 2 Peter: A Traveler's and Sojourner's Handbook

We adapt our thinking to the truths of scripture. "Transformed by the renewing of your mind."

1 Peter 2: 11 Emphasizes a theme of the letter. Reminders for your short term mission on this earth.

1 Peter 1: 1
Strangers in the world. Verse 17, 2: 11, 4: 11 the depth of our representing Him and His mission. 5:4 and 10 also refer to our eternal perspective as we travel.

Hebrews 11: 13 - 16; 2 Corinthians 5: 20
We are therefore Christ ambassadors. We have a deeper and more powerful purpose than our own.
Living in the midst of the unsaved, we have a testimony to maintain and a message to give
There are some nice inns along the way.

Here in the traveler's primer are some more ways we are to handle this mission—this temporary assignment: win the battle with the flesh, have a right attitude toward authority, have a right marriage relationship. You must be taking care of this if you would accomplish the mission.

This journey is filled with dangers and battles, temptations and off-ramps, but it is a glorious one.
Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with...

C. On This Journey... It's a War We Must Win

1 Peter 2: 11 - 12
You have a power, unheard of in the world, and a higher purpose undreamed of by the world, and they must get a taste from you.

1 Peter 1: 13 - 17
The desires of the old nature—the flesh wars against your very purpose and the core of your journey and your relationship with the Good Shepherd and overseer of your soul.
Proverbs 25: 28
1 Peter 4: 2
2 Peter 1: 3 - 4
2 Peter 2: 10, 18
2 Peter 3: 3
James 1: 14 - 15,20
James 4: 1
Romans 6: 11 - 12
Romans 8: 5
Romans 13: 14
Galatians 2: 20 - 21
Galatians 5: 16 - 18,24

Be self-controlled (1 Peter 4: 7, 1 Peter 5: 8)

Not only do we have to feed our soul, we have to guard against the things that war against our soul, even some of our very own desires!

Consider your desires and the source of them. The new nature, or the old?

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