September 12, 2010

To This you were Called

Service Type:

1 Peter - To this You were Called
Steve Lane

A. Review
Responding to God's love - believing and responding
1 and 2 Peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook
Follow the example of the humility of Christ, displayed in submission and authority
Husbands... lead. Boy, to man, to disciple maker
Marriage did not fundamentally change. It was the same, but selfishness now reigned
To make her holy -- our goal is not always the easiest, safest, most comfortable path
We are to treat our wives as precious, they are to have a special place of honor and respect

B. Respond Fully to the Call

1 Peter 3: 9b
Called to redemption, to salvation; called into grace. Called to a heavenly destination.
You have a calling to do something, and to be something.

One of the core things about our time here together is to identify where you need to grow.
And grow you must Prepared to be the aroma of Christ in all of your callings.

C. More on how to Live on the Journey

He is about to tell us how to live on this journey in our calling and in the church...

1 Peter 3: 8
Be harmonious. Have unity of mind. Live in harmony with one another.
Philippians 1: 27, Philippians 2: 2
Part of your calling and your call is to be in sync with a body? Taking on the calling and the vision.

1 Corinthians 12: 26 Be sympathetic — literally, to have a fellow-feeling or to suffer with.
1 Thessalonians 4: 9 - 10 Love as brothers
Matthew 11: 29 Tender-hearted, kindhearted, compassionate
Philippians 2: 5 - 11 Humble, friendly of mind, courteous, humble of spirit and mind

D. Don't Do what Comes Natural

1 Peter 3: 9
Your attitude toward one who is against you
You maintain a kind attitude for the sake of Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit
And, you pray for them as Jesus did and Stephen did
But, don't get on your soap box over your wounded pride or greed—represent Jesus well

E. "To this you were called"

1 Peter 3: 9, Philippians 3: 14, 2 Thessalonians 1: 11, Ephesians 4: 1
By grace you were called to the path of grace and this journey. (Acts 13: 2)
We desperately need to grow to do what God has called us to do

F. Don't Let Your Response Knock You Off the Path

1 Peter 3: 10 - 11, Psalm 34: 12 - 16
Don't let your response to insult of evil knock you off the path

1 Peter 3: 12
The one who is on the path alert to responding rightly. God is leaning toward that person

Life is good on the path—not always easy, but it is good. (Romans 15: 13)

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