January 2, 2011

Godliness in 2011

Service Type:

2 Peter - Godliness in 2011
Steve Lane

A. Review
He has given us everything we need for godliness
2 Peter 1: 5 "Make every effort" - diligence, speed, eagerness, earnestness, haste.
Warning: How quickly we will trade the good for the best. Let's persevere in not letting our desires and passions steal worship that is intended for God alone.

B. Getting the Most Out of This Time
One of the important contributors of growth is hearing the Word of God
Surrender, daily obedience, Word, prayer, fellowship
It is critical that you do more than listen—engage the Word of God, depending on the Holy Spirit
Colossians 1: 28 - 29 Presenting the Word of God in its fullness, so they would know Christ
(2 Timothy 3: 16)

C. Godliness
Godliness eusebeia [yoo-seb'-i-ah]
2 Peter 1: 3 - 7
2 Peter 3: 11
To please God, to be Christlike in character and love, obedient, with God's purposes and desires, to live a Godward life, a devotion to the person of God, gives others a taste of God
Do you want to grow in godliness this year—to live a Godward life this year?
Do you want to grow up in the Lord this year? Determine to start today!
Another key element of growth: putting off the sinful nature Colossians 2: 11 - 13

D. Ministry and Service in the Development of Godliness
Ephesians 5: 1 "Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children, and live a life of love."
Ministry is when you have a burden for a group of people or individuals, which leads to action
Ephesians 4: 12 God's people are to be prepared for works of service - ministry. A result: growth
To invest your life in others, you must be in the battle
Paul gives us a flavor of the nature of ministry in Colossians 1: 24 : It will cost you.
There will be resistance
Colossians 2: 8
Ephesians 4: 14
2 Peter 2
John 15: 20
You can't take the suffering out of real ministry... or the joy
John 15: 11
The result of growth is real ministry.
2 Peter 1: 8
Daniel 11: 32 effective and productive

E. What is Your Ministry?

2 Peter 1: 6 - 8
Psalm 126: 5 - 6
Psalm 127: 1a
Ephesians 4: 12 - 13,16

F. A Conversation About Your Ministry

Questions I might ask, just to get the conversation started. Think about these things in the life of Jesus. In that light reconsider the virtue of godliness.
[You will see most of these flow out of Eph 4, Col 1 – 2 and 2Cor 4 – 5, 1 & 2Pet]

Does it bring unity?
Does it build up the body?
Does it point people Godward?
What is the eternal impact?
Does it honor God?
Is it Gospel centered? Great commission centered?
Is your church community behind it?
Does it cost you?
Do you see suffering as a part of it?
Do you understand there will be opposition? How will you handle that?
Do you have a burden for it (for a specific people or individuals - Love)? Is there joy in it for you? (John 15:11)
Are you passionate about it?
Are you in the battle and growing? Tell me about that and be specific.
What service or ministry of yours has God blessed in the past?
What do you love to do? How do you think God desires to use that for His purposes?
Do you understand deeply your innate weakness? John 15: 5 weakness?
Now, what are your weaknesses… practical and spiritual?
What are your strengths… practical and spiritual?
Do you delight in false humility? (Not that I expect full honesty on that one)
Colossians 2
Are you puffed up with idle notions? [Some of these are for the question asker to discern]
Have you been the source of division in the past?
How is your knowledge of the scripture? Your knowledge of God? Is your doctrine sound?
Is your prayer life inspiring?
Tell me about your partners, co-laborers and friends.
What is your ministry now? Do you think God wants to grow that?
Are you willing to fail? [In your eyes and the eyes of others, not God’s]
Are you willing to wait? Are you willing to submit to the authorities in your life?
Are you willing to be poured into?
Colossians 1: 28 – 29
2 Timothy 3:16
Are you willing to do small things?
Are you willing to do great things?
What are your intentions, purposes, goals? [We can talk more detail about the how later.]
Are you ready to persevere? And then persevere some more?
Are you willing to speak the truth in love? Hear the truth in love?
When is the last time you repented? How about to another person?
When is the last time you confronted someone in love for the sake of the purposes of God?
When is the last time you confronted someone behind their back? (gossip)
Have you enlisted the support, encouragement, leadership, partnership of your spouse?

Using whatever interest, abilities, resources, gifts, etc. for the purposes of God.
We have talked much about your homes being kingdom outpost, investing your in others and God using the avenues of your interest and abilities for life on life opportunities, But Make no mistake: He wants your whole life, not that one thing you can do—He does want all of that too.
2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 12

Now, may 2011 be the time for a more outward response to God's call.

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