March 6, 2011

Get Focused

Service Type:

2 Peter - Get Focused! There is a Deadline
Steve Lane

A. Introduction to Chapter Three - Get Focused

Peter's purpose is not a detailed end-times study, but getting our attention
1 Peter 1: 13
2 Peter 3: 17 - 18

B. Chapter Three - The Day of the Lord (The Deadline)

2 Peter 3: 1
Very similar to 1: 13... "Refresh your memory"
Wholesome thinking; sincere mind, or literally pure mind; clarity
Clarity and focus that come with a deadline. Able to clear out the inessentials
1 Peter 2: 11 - 12 'I am here again to bring that clarity of mind to you.'

2 Peter 3: 2
Prophesies of the Day (Acts 3: 21) and commandments of the Lord (1 Peter 1: 22)

2 Peter 3: 3
Last days - time between first and second coming

2 Peter 3: 4

2 Peter 3: 5 - 6
Genesis 1: 6
Design-designer principle.
Worldwide flood: Evidence? Millions and millions of dead things, buried in rock layers laid down by water, all over the earth.
The flood included the bursting open of the underground rivers, reservoirs and volcanoes—massive upheaval. And, the canopy above came crashing down.

2 Peter 3: 7
It was destroyed once, and it will happen again. But, this time, by explosive fire.

2 Peter 3: 8 - 13
Do you catch the tone? Do not mistake God's patience for sloth! Do not take the time meant for you to change your ways and to share the love and mercy of God.

Remember: Virtues in chapter 1. "Make every effort"
We are living and walking in the mercy of God right now, but the day is coming.
Jude 1: 7
This is not "fire insurance salvation". Words that speak of biblical salvation:
All of these mean change. A new direction and purpose.

2 Peter 3: 14 - 16
So then, what should be your response?(!) Make every effort (start today).
Is there sin of commission, or omission in your life? Deal with it. God has direction; purpose.
Obey. Make a plan. Make every effort.

2 Peter 3: 17 - 18
You've been warned: there is some bad teaching and thinking out there.
He wraps it up with an admonishment to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

C. Conclusion
Are you putting off salvation?
Are you wasting the minute bit of time we have?
Trying to make this earth your Heaven?

He's coming back. Let's get ready!
He left the vineyard in our hands
God is merciful!
Next stop for us: your calling and ministry

Has God dealt with you on something, for which you have neglected to take action?

Write it down:

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