March 13, 2011

Sharing the Gospel and Your Life as Well

Sharing the Gospel and Your Life as Well
Steve Lane

A. Review - Get Focused

There is a deadline! This is not "fire insurance salvation"
Words that speak of biblical salvation, each of which mean change.
A new direction and purpose

B. Whose Mission are You on?

If a church grows without Christ actively present in their midst, transforming lives and opening hearts..."

~John Miller

Most of the promises of God are meant within the context of a mission
Matthew 28: 18 - 20
Acts 1: 8
2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 12
John 15: 16

Within this context are the powerful chapters of John 5: 5 - intimacy, fruit-bearing and the mission.
Love and Joy
Prayer and the mission
John 15: 8 - 15, 16

God is on a mission to rescue and reconcile
John 3: 16

We are on that same mission. What was your former mission?
We have taken on His cause and purpose
Romans 8: 5
2 Corinthians 6: 1

We are fellow workers with God—we are a part of His family
1 John 3: 1

Jesus made many "take up your cross and follow me" statements.
Hudson Taylor said, "I never made a sacrifice." The compensations were so real and long lasting that he came to see that giving up is inevitably receiving, when one is dealing heart to heart with God.

C. The Culturally Relevant Way of Evangelism from the Middle East to Middle America, and from the Ancient World to the Post Modern World

1 Thessalonians 2: 8
Teaching and sharing the core truths of the Bible—the Gospel
Sharing your life as well
Developing partners and co-laborers
Praying as if the others depended completely
Responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit
Solitude and intimacy with God

Personal experience... analyzing the past in light of scripture (not pragmatism)
What do they have in common? From Paul, to Peter, to Hudson Taylor

A cross experience... maybe an ongoing cross experience would better describe

"...they died to themselves, and cast their whole lives onto God. A cross experience: death to self—casting themselves on God."

~Ron Muller

The world was attracted to Jesus in them

This study, and your response, has the potential to focus your life and give you eternal purpose, and better define your calling.

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