March 20, 2011

Sharing the Gospel and Your Life as Well, pt. 2

Sharing the Gospel and Your Life as Well, pt. 2
Steve Lane

A. Review - Get Focused
Whose mission are you on?
The promises of God are meant within the context of a mission
Within this context:
John 15 intimacy
Fruit bearing
Love, joy
The mission

God is on a mission to rescue and reconcile John 3: 16 We are on that same mission
The culturally relevant way of evangelism from the Middle East to middle America, and from the ancient world to the post modern world
1 Thessalonians 2: 8

A cross experience

B. Principles of Gospel Sharing (1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 8)
Teaching and sharing the core truths of the Bible—the Gospel
Sharing your life as well
Developing partners and co-laborers
Praying as if the others depended completely on this one
Responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit
Solitude and intimacy with God

C. Phases of Movement of Spiritual Growth
Not interested
Somewhat interested
Leader (to show the way by going first)
A pattern to imitate


D. You are the Light of the World

Called - light, aroma... the greatest command
Luke 19: 10
"seek and save" He made it known we would share in His mission

John 14: 12
I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing

John 14: 15 - 16; Ephesians 4: 16
We, together, are responsible to carry on

Matthew 5: 13 - 16
Light of the world

2 Corinthians 2: 14 - 17
Who is able?

Philippians 2: 15 - 16
Shining like lights/stars

Begin to turn to God at every turn. What is the issue in your life right now?

E. Life Patterns of Those who Imitated Paul and Shared the Gospel and Their Lives as Well
Taking small initiatives
Are you ready? You can begin this week.
Speaking to the people:
Eye contact
Quick prayer

Be the light you are—we are instructed to be hospitable

Praying and responding as God leads

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