May 15, 2011


Sharing the Gospel, and Your Life as Well
Life Pattern of Gospel Sharing: Partnership
Steve Lane

A. Review
God is on a mission. Whose mission are you on? Prove it. "If you have faith..."
Principles of Gospel sharing (1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 8)
Phases of movement or spiritual growth
Life patterns of followers of Christ (Gospel sharers and disciple makers)
Taking small initiatives
Praying and responding as God leads
Serving others in resurrection power

1 Thessalonians 1: 5
Not simply words, but also with power with the Holy Spirit

Don't hijack a conversation to share the gospel...

Practical: Informal and flexible rules of conversation
Be honest and open about yourself. Let people know... but stay off your soap box
Take a sincere interest in the other person—ask questions and listen

B. Sixth Life Pattern: Having Partners and Co-laborers
Partnership is inherent in what we are doing
Ephesians 4: 15 - 16
Romans 12: 4 - 5
1 Corinthians 12: 12

Yet, I find it to be a missing ingredient, even in...

Can't draw clear lines between discipleship and friendship and partnership
A quick peak at partnership
2 Corinthians 8: 16

Jesus' example: His life was a demonstration of disciple making
John 13: 15 - 17
John 14: 12
Ephesians 5: 1 - 2

If your are not willing to have partnership relationships and make disciples...

A relationship... my dear Timothy
1 Corinthians 4: 16 - 17
How did he know his way of life? Timothy had proven himself

Patience with another's failure and slowness, yet spurring them on to radical obedience
Philippians 2: 19 - 24,25 - 30
1 Thessalonians 3: 2 - 3
2 Timothy 1: 1 - 4,13 - 14

Relationships/Co-laborers/Fellow soldiers
Proverbs 27: 17
Ecclesiastes 4: 4 - 12
The impact on the world of small bands of partners is beyond calculation in this life.
Will you be faithful with a little?
Like family who will encourage and support, but not become inwardly focused.

Those who will lovingly fuel your dreams and puncture your illusions...
~Andy Crouch

Those who will join you in the concerns of Christ. Those who will lovingly pressure you to have rivers of living water flowing out of you...
2 Corinthians 2: 12 - 13
Acts 16: 25
2 Timothy 4: 11 - 13
2 Timothy 4: 19 - 21
Romans 16

C. Conclusion

Matthew 4: 19
And by their example, and through their friendships and partnerships, they would make others fishers of men

Hebrews 3: 12 - 13
Encourage one another daily to be on mission, and to pursue God

You are on a mission. Don't go by yourself!

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