July 17, 2011

Humble Beginnings

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - Humble Beginnings
Steve Lane

A. Introduction - Beginnings
The first meeting of Jesus with 5 humble men
Beginnings... You don't always know the importance of things when they begin

The first meeting of Jesus and 5 of His disciples is not recorded in the first three gospels
An event out in the desert involving 7 men... changes history and eternity
Small beginnings—Seven men out in the wilderness, the desert

John the Baptist, Jesus about to begin His public ministry, and the five about to be introduced

With all their faults and weaknesses, they had something: a spiritual desire—they were hungry
What were they doing there? Their home and livelihood was North on the Sea of Galilee

They may not have had much else, but they were hungry
Psalm 63: 1 - 2; Exodus 33
They are willing to let go of everything and follow Jesus and trust Him in their weakness

A brief introduction:
John: The Apostle and author of the letter
Simon Peter: You know this guy
Andrew: Peter's brother
Philip: A leader in the second group of four disciples. He is close friends with Nathaniel
Nathaniel: Also known as Bartholomew

B. "Come and See"

John 1: 35 - 51

C. Prepare to Follow Jesus
What are you seeking?
Come and see

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