August 7, 2011

Training of the Twelve

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - Jesus Chooses the Twelve, who will be His Witnesses
Steve Lane

A. Review
There is a blend of learning about following and about making disciples
Come and see; Come and follow Me; Come and be with Me

Matthew 9: 27 Catching the vision from Jesus
Romans 5: 3 - 5; James 1: 2 - 4 Growth does often come through trouble and trial
But, Jesus accelerated their growth by calling them constantly to step out in faith and experience

Luke 6: 12 - 16; Psalm 25: 4, 14 After a night in prayer, Jesus chooses the twelve
2 Corinthians 12: 12 Signs of the Apostle. Foundational - to authenticate the message
He opened His heart and His life, and He trusted them with His mission... they became His friends
John 15: 15 - 16; Matthew 10: 27; Acts 4: 13

B. The Twelve

Luke 6: 12; Mark 3: 13; Matthew 10: 1 - 4
Peter: the Rock
Andrew: Peter's brother
James and John: sons of Zebedee; "Sons of Thunder"
Philip: probably a leader in the second group of four disciples. Close friend of Nataniel
Nathaniel/Batholomew: friend of Philip; the guileless Israelite
Levi/Matthew: the tax collector
Thomas: called Didymus (the twin)
James: son of Alphaeus; "James the Less"?
Thaddaeus; Judas, son of James; Lebbaeus - "show yourself to us, and not to the world"?
Simon the Zealot: Jewish patriot
Judas the traitor

C. Devoted Men

Jesus preferred devoted men, who had none of the advantages, to undevoted men, who had them all

Do you have the heart of these simple men?

D. Hearing and Seeing, and the Next Step
More like a child-like wonder than an adult understanding. More of a flavor than a detailed...
Luke 1: 1 - 4; Matthew 13: 16 - 17
The most lasting impression was the volume of His luve, compassion and truth
Jesus will now begin to expound on the nature of the divine kingdom, and the character of its citizens, and distinguish between the real citizens and the pretenders
Matthew 5: 2 - 11 The blessed, according to Jesus were: the poor, the hungry, the mournful, the merciful...
Blessed: a happy state only available to the faithful
Goes on to teach them about the law, and the real intent, and they will see more clearly later
Jesus is dealing with the source—the heart, and not just the action

They were to be a blessing to all people—to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, lifted above others in spirit and character, and to draw others upward and to lead them to also glorify God.

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