September 25, 2011

Take Up Your Cross…

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me
Steve Lane

A. Review
Training and preparation—they will need even what they do not understand now
Blinded by lack of faith, and the distraction of the things of this world
Beware the leaven
Peter's proclamation; deeply emotional statement by Jesus, moved by Peter's faith

B. First Lesson on the Cross

Matthew 16: 21 - 28; Mark 8: 31 - 38; Luke 9: 22 - 27
First clear and open warnings about His cross, but not all the significance of it
The Romans had the guillotine for mere execution, but the cross was to make a point
The cross was repulsive
Matthew 16: 21 - 23
The Galilean ministry is winding down
Their idea of a Messiah did not include suffering, and certainly not being putting Him to death
Peter's earthly (self) focus a hindrance to Jesus. Our focus is not neutral!

C. Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me

Matthew 16: 24 - 26
Matthew 10: 34 - 38
An earlier shocking statement about the cost of following Jesus
What is the cross we must bear?

A key to understanding is to "deny himself and take up his cross"

But behind that tiny think lies the stronghold of obstinacy, and you say, "I will not give up my right to myself" — the very thing that God intends you to give up if you are to be a disciple of Jesus.

This statement of Jesus is in its raw state—hard to receive
A sustained willingness to say 'no' to one's self in order to say 'yes' to God
Romans 12: 1; Galatians 2: 20

They could not torture or beat Jesus out of him and, alone in his cell, he said he would dance for joy

God gave us a life to spend—not save. What are you spending your life on?
He spend His life and invested His life in the souls of men. And, in the end, He did not lose His life

"When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die" ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
True discipleship is not built on natural things that you love, but on the cross

John 12: 24 Why do most Christians not bear much fruit in their life?

The law of true sacrifice for fruitfulness, both in nature and in the spiritual realm

"He who has ears, let him hear"
Faith, and an honest heart—renouncing sin
We want fruit, but we don't want sacrifice. We want a crop, but we don't want to die
Matthew 16: 24 - 25

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