October 23, 2011

Kingdom Community Principles

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - Kingdom Community Principles
Steve Lane

A. Review/Humility
The humility of Jesus
Philippians 2: 5 - 9 is a review of the humility of the life of Jesus
What does the famous Galatians 2: 20 look like? It looks like humility
Pride is a tricky thing. One reason is that it often masquerades as humility!
A child also represents childlike faith and a real dependence on a parent for everything

B. Introduction: The Communities of the Body of Christ

They have spent much time learning of the identity and mission of Jesus, and their calling
The nature of His covenant community, which they will know as the body of Christ
Those who feel the weight of love and responsibility, nut just jobs or task doers
These disciples were trained in the big picture to develop community—trained by living it
A unity and community which reflects the unity and fellowship of the Triune God, and the love God has for the lost and for the brethren. "A holy, loving, united society"
The best proof of God's love, John 17: 20 - 26 messengers of reconciliation
Self throws a monkey wrench in the works of partnership and unity

Philippians 2: 1 - 5
Unity by love, faith, obedience... one purpose

C. Elements and Attitudes of Community They Must Learn and Implement

Matthew 18:1 - 4

Matthew 18: 5 - 6
In this community, little children's sin is serious

Matthew 18: 8
Deal drastically with sin in your own life!

Matthew 18: 10 - 14
A brother who sins against you
A solution to gossip and division and unforgiveness in the body. This is merciful! The purpose is always reconciliation—not punishment
Jesus checks their attitude with the next topic of conversation: forgiveness

Matthew 18: 21 - 35
Who are we to withhold forgiveness? [recon it to be true]
The goal in the body is back to full fellowship - things dealt with

D. What About You?
Is your lifestyle building or dividing community/body? Self-focused, unavailable?
Find a way to build some community around you, or be apart (circles)
None of this works without the cross, humility, responding to God
Psalm 27: 8 always spills over
Being alert—this is the way to walk in it
Acts 2: 42 - 47; Acts 4: 32 - 33 - Culmination in practice
Using these tools

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