January 22, 2012

Intro to Acts

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations - Introduction to Acts
Steve Lane

A. Review / Don't Leave the City!
Acts 1: 4 - 5 We too must have the power of the Holy Spirit
Some things that position us to live Spirit filled lives
Walk in the Spirit. Abide in Christ. Surrender.
Spending time alone with God — The Word, prayer
Real participation in the body, and the mission of the body

B. The Book of Acts
General on the author, Luke. A detailed history of the Acts of some of the Apostles, was written to his friend Theopholis
Luke 1: 1 - 4; Acts 1: 1 - 2
He was a co-laborer with Paul throughout the second half of Acts
Written around 62 AD, before the martyrdom of Paul
Luke does not attempt a full history of the church
Impacted not just by the truth, but a life
A transition book, mainly historical and not theological
33 Years

C. Jesus' Post-Resurrection Ministry
Acts 1: 2 - 3
Jesus proved the reality of His resurrection with eye witnesses

Acts 1: 3
Jesus taught the eleven Apostles

Luke 24: 27,44 - 49
He begins immediately (review of FF)

Acts 1: 4 - 5
Jesus commanded them to wait for the Holy Spirit

Jesus promised He would send the Holy Spirit into the world to take His place as...
Review of the teaching of the Holy Spirit
Genesis 1: 1 - 2
Exodus 31: 1 - 5
Judges 3: 10
Judges 14: 6
1 Samuel 9: 21, 10:1,6-7 (He always provides those He calls with all they need)
1 Samuel 16: 13 - 14
Matthew 1: 18
Matthew 3: 11
John 7: 38 - 39
John 14: 16 - 18,25-26
John 15: 26; Acts 5: 3 - 4 (Notice in most of these, the Holy Spirit was given a job or a task)

Jesus emphasized the promise that they would be empowered to witness

Acts 1: 8 sets the stage for the book of Acts (Matthew 28: 16 - 20)
Studying this history will stir up in us real faith... that we would believe Acts 1: 8

D. Jesus' Ascension

Acts 1: 9 - 11 What is the last thing Jesus said?

E. The Promise of Jesus' Return

Acts 1: 10 - 11
For now, we wait and look for His return—it is imminent.
Prepare your heart. Take some time to believe and ask

"You will do what I have been doing"

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