February 5, 2012

Acts: The Activities of the Jerusalem Church

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations - Acts: The Activities of the Jerusalem Church
Steve Lane

A. Review
Baptized with the Holy Spirit/Filled with the Holy Spirit
Birth of the church - The promise and giving of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1 - 2
Samaritans Acts 8: 14 - 17
Gentiles Acts 10: 43 - 48
Peter describing what happened 11: 15 - 18, 15: 8
OT/Transition saints Acts 19: 1 - 7

B. They devoted themselves to

Acts 2: 42 - 47 A result of being Spirit filled
Devoted - προσκαρτερεω (pros-kar-ter-eh'o) - to be earnest towards, to persevere, be constantly diligent, or in a place, to attend assiduously all the exercises, or to a person, to adhere closely to, give self continually to, continue in and wait on continually.

A withdrawal from any of these things most likely rebellion - hanging onto self
Maybe you've tried and failed or were ridiculed or paralyzed by fear or rejection

Dealing with hesitancy to follow the devoted too's from two perspectives
(Romans 6; Galatians 2: 20)
The cross
I need rescuing from the deep waters of self [personal lesson - "Its not about me"]
(Psalm 18: 16)

The church tends to look at these on the surface and scratch them off the list
These special representatives were spreading around the aroma of Christ, the teaching and the life mission of Jesus.

All of these working together are the fulfilling the great commission
(Matt 28 and Acts 1: 8)

C. We are called to these things - The Devoted too's
The Word - Preaching, teaching, personal and sharing together. Devoted to the Word.
Fellowship - partnership, communication, participation open hearts, lives, homes
The Lord's Supper, Communion - Remember the cross. Devoted to remembering
Prayer - devoted to, personally and together. Devoted to prayer
Praising God - not referring just to a worship service but a general awe and
Evangelism - (Matt 28 and Acts 1: 8) the full great commission Acts 4: 13
Abiding - pursuit of intimacy with God, staying connected to the vine, Spirit filled
Faith - believe (28) faith (14) Trusting God for something they could not do

D. Devoted to the Word

Personal reading and the public teaching of the word
Psalm 119

Public devotion to the Word
Acts 6:4
Acts 13: 44
Acts 14: 25
Acts 15:35
Acts 17:11
Acts 20:20
Ephesians 4: 12 - 13
2 Timothy 2:1
2 Thessalonians 2: 15
Matthew 5: 19
2 Timothy 4: 2
2 Timothy 1: 13
2 Timothy 3:16
1 Timothy 4:6
Titus 1: 9
Titus 2: 1
Romans 6: 17
Romans 16: 17
1 Thessalonians 4: 8

We teach and receive the Word, and obey the Word evidenced by fruit and being personally and together engaged in the great commission.
2 Pet 1: 4 - He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the Divine nature
Psalm 1: 1 - 3

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