February 26, 2012

Acts: They were devoted to…

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations: The Activities of the Jerusalem church - They were devoted to…
Steve Lane

A. They devoted themselves to...

Acts 2: 42 – 47 A result of being Spirit filled (Methods of God, not man)
Devoted – proskartereo to be earnest towards, to persevere, be constantly diligent, give self continually to, continue in and wait on continually.

“Get on board” This whole package is the basic machinery of the mission of Christ.
The Devoted to’s

The Word – Preaching, teaching, personal and sharing together. Devoted to the Word.
Fellowship – koinonia – partnership, communication, participation, open hearts, lives..
The Lord’s Supper, Communion – Remember the cross.
Prayer – devoted to, personally and together. Devoted to prayer
Praising God – not referring just to a worship service but a general awe
Abiding – Devoted to pursuit of intimacy with God, staying connected to the Vine
Faith – believe 28 times, faith 14 times in Acts - Trusting God for something…
Evangelism – (Matt 28 and Acts 1: 8) all about the full great commission

B. The Lord's Supper

1 Corinthians 10: 16 – 17 Participation – identified
A formal act of remembering what Jesus did – brings an awareness of not just the reconciliation but the victory we have over the flesh and the new life we have in Christ

C. They didn’t get too far from the cross

They understood the double impact – the forgiveness and deliverance of sin and their identification with the cross -
Romans 6: 3 – 6, 11, Mark 8:34-35, Matt 10: 37 – 38; 16: 24 – 25, Luke 14: 26 – 27, 33 1Cor 1: 17 – 18 Gal 2: 20; 6: 14 Phil 3:18 Heb 12: 2 Luke 22: 19 – 20 John 12: 24 – 26; 14: 25 – 26
We are in a battle… the flesh, A life style… getting on the train

If we are to know in experience the real power of the cross and Pentecost it can be only upon these conditions – all private interest and personal considerations utterly merged in the interest of God and His kingdom. Jessie Penn-Lewis
When you soften the message of the cross – you soften the message of grace!

D. The joy of Worship

What better worship than a life that reflects Jesus – I’ve been crucified …
Galatians 2:20, Psalm 9: 1 – 2,Psalm 32:11,Psalm 40: 8,Psalm 42: 1, 2, 11,Psalm 63: 1 – 3, Psalm 73: 25,Psalm 84: 1 – 2, 4 - 5

E. Abiding

John 15 If you abide in me, I will abide in you
“The living union with Him, the experience of His daily and hourly presence and keeping … take time each day … to put yourself in contact with the living Jesus, to yield yourself distinctly and consciously to His blessed influence.”
Psalm 84 - Psalm of assent to the presence of God
Know your weakness John 15: 5, 2 Cor 12: 10
Continuous union 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 17 Psalm 37: 7

F. A Hallmark of the early church… They believed

A people of history – They knew about trusting God - Hebrews 11
“Humility is the disposition that prepares the soul for living on faith” Andrew Murray

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