March 4, 2012

Acts: They were devoted to…

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations: The Activities of the Jerusalem church - They were devoted to…
Steve Lane

A. They devoted themselves to …

Acts 1:8 You are the church…
The Devoted to’s from Acts 2:42 – 47

B. Compelled by the love of Christ

You have a desire to help them… Surface struggles reveal a deeper and even eternal

John 3:16 History of the world – separated –– Message of reconciliation

2 Corinthians 5:14 The love of Christ compels me – we have the same love
A restoration of what God intended man to have 2 Cor 5:16 – 21

There was real power, not just atmosphere or personality – Acts 1:8, 4:31
They were given this mission that was powerfully fresh on their minds [2 Cor 5:16 – 21]

C. Follow all the way through

Where’s the power and grandeur?? A Sharing of the gospel and your life as well.

Acts 2: 42 – 47 Devoted – proskartereo (pros-kar-ter-eh’o) – to be earnest towards, to persevere,
be constantly diligent, or in a place, to attend assiduously all the exercises, or to a person, to adhere
closely to, give self continually to, continue in and wait on continually.

“Get on board” This whole package is the basic machinery of the mission of Christ.
The Devoted to’s
1) The Word – Preaching, teaching, personal and sharing together. Devoted to the Word.
2) Fellowship – koinonia – partnership, communication, participation, open hearts, lives..
3) The Lord’s Supper, Communion – Remember the cross. Double impact
4) Prayer – devoted to, personally and together. Devoted to prayer. Psalm 20
5) Worship – not referring just to a worship service but a general awe. Gal 2:20
6) Abiding – Devoted to pursuit of intimacy with God, staying connected to the Vine
7) Faith – believe 28 times, faith 14 times in Acts - Trusting God for something…
8) Reconciling the world to God [Evangelism] – (Matt 28 and Acts 1: 8) Great commission

A reality check… Is reading my bible alone at home evangelistic?

D. Follow all the way through

Following through is relational and powerful as long as you remain with Him believed!
Titus 3:4 – 8 you can’t do it Confidence 2 Cor 3:2 – 4, 12
1 Samuel 17 The confidence of David

Be real and don’t be afraid to expose people to spiritual things and truth.
Acts 3:19, 4:4, 4:32, 5:20 unity, community, result… shared with great power

What is He calling you to? Respond. He will move the church. 2 Cor 5:16 – 21

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