April 1, 2012

Acts: Lifestyle verses Individual Acts

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Building on Firm Foundations: Lifestyle verses Individual Acts
Steve Lane

A. Review
The source of Peter and John’s courage - behold and reflect 2 Cor 3:18
Meeting a need and a real need
Much Grace was upon them all - undeserved favor Acts 2:47
The Unity and Fellowship of the Believers and revealing the love God
Acts 4:31-35 Direct line to Jesus’ prayer - John 17: 20 - 23
B. Barnabas’ act of giving was part of a growing lifestyle versus the mere appearance of a life in Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 4: 36 - 37 Giving Without self protection but in fellowship and hearing
Barnabas has the vision, he is not just doing acts of obedience or …

Early stages of leadership – showing the way by going first
The growth of a disciple maker
Acts 9:26 - 27, 11:22 - 30 - disciple making vision
Acts 13:1 - 14:28,Barnabas and Saul sent out - growing vision
Acts 15:2 - 4, 12, 22, 36 - 41; 1 Cor 9:6

Acts 5:1 - 11 Contrasted with the next recorded event.
An individual act... and with wrong motive - for appearances.

What do I do? How can I start?
Find yourself on this continuum and take the next step [Barnabas]

Not interested, somewhat interested, seeker -> believer, disciple, disciple maker (true leader who shows the way by going first)

If you have the Spirit you have resurrection power both to live and be His witness
But still requires training - Spiritual Gym of the early church
The Word, Fellowship, The Lord’s Supper, Prayer, Worship, Abide, Faith, Reconciling the world to God [Acts 2:42 - 47]
This is where Barnabas’s life ended up - (A few years later - Acts 11:24)
He desired to take the next the step

Ananias and Sapphira skipped some crucial steps
Our mission is not about appearances but substance...real and powerful
2 Cor 5:17 - 21 Reconciling...a Not pretending and not superficially and not singular acts but taking the mission to their very core.

Give, invest your life For the Lord loves a cheerful giver. Do you have the life Barnabas had...Are you engaged in full on training and progressing in these things? Are you seeing fruit as a result?

And you are content with acts of discipleship or disciple making rather than a life?

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