April 15, 2012

Acts: Tearing Down Barriers

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations: Tearing Down Barriers
Steve Lane

A. Review
The source of Peter and John’s courage – behold and reflect 2 Cor 3:18
Meeting a need and a real need
Much Grace was upon them all
Barnabas’ act of giving was part of a growing lifestyle versus the mere appearance of a life in Ananias and Sapphira
B. Jail doors were opened
Acts 5:12 – 16 Astounding and miraculous things going on but Persecution.

Acts 5: 17 – 21 Costly to share this Full message of the new life’
Abraham fighting the fight of faith…
Many did not join in with the early church because of fear

We might say… “Oh yeah, if I was in prison and the doors flew open…”
But there was the process to getting there…
Barnabas took the next step
You don’t get the prison doors swinging open until you have gotten yourself thrown in prison for the sake of the call.
C. Impossible barriers
In pursuing this disciple making life there will be impossible barriers thrown up.
A focus of the enemy is to stop us from taking the next step
2 Cor 4:13 – 18 Heb 10:39
How did they get there? Pison doors flying open and sharing…
If you are pursuing this life of sharing the full message of new life…

Verse 19 ‘during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors’
Why was the barrier torn down?
“Go and tell the people the full message of this new life.”

D. More Barriers and Persecution
Acts 5:27 – 40 story of the trial
Acts 5: 41 – 42 [Leadership showing the way by going first]
The deep end of Acts 2:46 They were on a path and they were ready
Jeremiah 7 ‘What you are doing is not safe, to keep doing as you please’

Exodus 34 “Chisel out stone tablets and I will write on them”
His face was radiant when he came down but many steps were taken

What’s your next step?

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