May 6, 2012

Acts: Paul, The Persecutor, Is Transformed

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations: Paul, The Persecutor, Is Transformed 2
Steve Lane

A. Stephen, the martyr, and Paul, the persecutor
The work of the scattered Believers
Verse 4 This amazes and challenges me! Even in difficult circumstances still devoted to the mission of Christ. …
2 Corinthians 5:14 “For Christ’s love compels us” (Ministry of reconciliation)
A growing desire and willingness to connect with believers and nonbelievers for the purposes of Christ – a desire
The Jewish Believers see that Samaritans are to be included in the church
B. Saul’s conversion
Acts 9: 1 – 2 Saul still at it… now following believers outside of Jerusalem
Acts 9:3-9 Could a man like this ever trust Jesus as his Savior?
Saul was being prepared. We have a narrative here of what happened on the outside. Paul’s salvation was not unusual just the circumstances of it

2 Corinthians 5: 21 A righteousness that is by faith Romans 3:22 - 25
Saul believed and he repented - No other way.
Since God arranged your salvation, as He did Saul’s, how ought you to live then?

He gave his all, really he began to do what we are all made for – to walk with God as His child and friend and to do His will 2 Cor 5:17 – 6:2

Will we do all that has been prepared for us to do? Eph 2:10.

This is what we are designed for… not easy, many challenges and adventures, joys and sorrows but it is along this path we find peace, purpose, love… Gal 5:22
John 15:11 – 17 Jesus was preparing the disciples to be sent
We know it also involves sorrow and pain - Gal 4:19 – 20, Psalm 26:5 – 6

There is no barrier thrown up by the enemy that God will not use for His purposes and your good when we trust Him… Psalm 90
All of these heart changes were a part of Saul’s conversion
Jesus informed directly and appeared to him Acts 9:17

C. Ananias was sent to Saul Acts 9: 10 - 19
D. Saul’s ministry in Damascus Acts 9: 20 - 22
E. Saul’s Escape Acts 9: 23 – 25 [Gal 1:17–18]
F. Saul’s visit to Jerusalem Acts 9: 26 - 28
G. Saul’s departure to Tarsus Acts 9: 29 – 30, Acts 11:25 - 26

H. A time of peace and growth for the churches
Acts 9: 31 Are we willing…
We must take advantage of both situations...
What’s been the result of your transformation?

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